
Indiana expects jobless fund troubles until 2015

Indiana officials say it will take longer to resolve the state’s bankrupt unemployment insurance fund’s funding troubles
than projected when a law designed to start fixing the system was enacted in April.

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Rokita proposes new plan for redistricting

Indiana Secretary of State Todd Rokita pitched a plan today that would make it illegal for lawmakers to consider political
data when redrawing congressional and legislative district maps.

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Quest Information goes after government contracts

Quest Information Systems does the kind of contracting where any screw-ups—even those not necessarily of its own
doing—can bring an unflattering public spotlight. The Indianapolis custom software developer works for politicians
and bureaucrats, a group many businesses seek to avoid.

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EDITORIAL: School funding has fatal flaws

A state budget was passed June 30, but it’s balanced on the backs of poor children. Legislators
deserve praise for at least slightly increasing overall education funding, but because of a flawed funding
formula, urban districts such as Indianapolis Public Schools actually will lose money in the next two

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Construction jobs trickling in from road stimulus

Federal stimulus money for Indiana highway projects so far has put to work 1,222 people with a payroll of $1.27 million,
according to state records of 42 projects under way in which contractors have reported job data. The work, ranging
from paving to replacing bridge decks, had a total contract value of $39.2 million.

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FEIGENBAUM: Education money helped land key Democratic votes

As both House Speaker Pat Bauer, D-South Bend, and House Republican Leader Brian Bosma, R-Indianapolis, see it, this is definitely a "Republican-flavored" budget. Republican Gov. Mitch Daniels laid the framework, and legislators from both sides of the aisle largely abided by his bottom lines of spending, state agency cuts and surplus.

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