
General Assembly is shame of Indiana

When we read that all the Democrats in the House voted against all the Republicans in the House on a given issue, we know independence has been cruelly killed by the leadership of each party. The same applies to the Senate.

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CIB’s deficit is a state problem, not a local one

Casting the CIB’s deficit as an Indianapolis problem is simplistic and inaccurate because it overlooks the millions of dollars in state tax revenue generated by those venues and an endless list of vendors that do business with them.

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Youth program may promote sense of purpose

Though I’m an economist, and not much skilled at matters of the heart, it seems to me there’s something amiss in today’s national psyche. There’s no real sense of purpose or unity. For those of us old enough to have had very close relatives who lived through the Great Depression, today just feels different from […]

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Clawback provisions won’t hurt biz attraction

House Bill 1338 introduces a change to many (but not all) of our state’s tax incentives, adding what is known as a “clawback” provision, offering a reasonable and fair adjustment to our current tax incentives.

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Struggling contractors hope for sale of factory

Contractors struggling under the weight of an unfinished factory in Tipton are hoping for a quick sale to recover at least
some of the $44 million they say they’re owed by Getrag Transmission Manufacturing.

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State offices could use some fixing, too

Although the Kernan-Shepard report focused on local government efficiencies, it is also clear that the management of Indiana’s
public resources and assets at the regional and state level has not kept pace with the technological and socioeconomic advances
of the last century.

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These are leaders?

Whether it’s structuring local government to fit the 21st century, financing sports stadiums, achieving property tax reform or putting the state’s unemployment fund on sound footing, our leaders consistently show their failure to lead.

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Pension merger raises questions

We’re generally supportive of a plan to merge the state’s two largest public pensions in an effort to save money, but it’s
hard to know exactly what to think considering the lack of detailed information available about the performance of the funds.

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