Controversial payday lending bill dies in House without vote
On the last day for bills to pass out of the Indiana House, the sponsor for Senate Bill 613—Rep. Matt Lehman, R-Berne—declined to call it for a vote.
On the last day for bills to pass out of the Indiana House, the sponsor for Senate Bill 613—Rep. Matt Lehman, R-Berne—declined to call it for a vote.
Senate Bill 552 would legalize sports wagering, permit a Gary casino to relocate from Lake Michigan to a more convenient interstate location and allow a new casino in Terre Haute.
The problematic stretch of highway extends between mile markers 219 in Pendleton and 234 in Daleville.
However, the inspector general did not find sufficient evidence to support charges against current or former employees, in part due to the agency’s shoddy record-keeping.
Here’s a breakdown of the 158-page agreement that the CIB was considering Friday morning.
The vote came after the committee adopted a tax on the price of the vaping liquid, rather than a 4 cents per-milliliter tax that was backed by the House in February.
The House voted 53-38 Thursday to strip language that would have prohibited the state from approving new power plants for two years, a move widely seen as delaying construction of renewable energy projects.
The agreement between city officials and the NBA team provides nearly $800 million in tax revenue to the Pacers over the life of the 25-year deal.
A new state budget plan would send some more money to Indiana schools but at a level short of what advocacy groups say is needed for meaningful teacher pay raises.
An army of high-profile business leaders wanted the General Assembly to pass what they called a comprehensive hate crimes law, but the effort fell short. What went wrong?
In Indiana, the number of foster children rose 60 percent between 2012 and 2016—the second-steepest climb in the nation, according to federal data.
Even after lawmakers worked hours overnight to craft an amendment to a controversial bill regulating payday and subprime loans, opponents remained frustrated.
A top Indiana budget writer doesn't expect much of a state tax revenue boost if legislators approve proposals to legalize sports betting and allow new casinos in Gary and Terre Haute.
The owner of two casinos now located on Lake Michigan in Gary would still be allowed to move one of them to a more convenient interstate location under changes to a gambling bill lawmakers made Tuesday—but only if the company gave its other license back to the state.
The Indiana House voted 93-0 on Monday in favor of a bill allowing felony charges in cases of deception involving a medical procedure, device, drug or human reproductive material, such as sperm, eggs or embryos.
The Indiana House Ethics Committee said Monday that “reasonable cause does not exist to support the alleged violation” by Speaker Brian Bosma.
Amtrak on Monday issued an official notice that it plans to suspend operation of the Hoosier State line, which provides Indianapolis-to-Chicago service, starting July 1. The state hasn’t included funding for the line in its next budget.
State lawmakers on Monday significantly amended legislation designed to provide long-term funding mechanisms to the Capital Improvement Board, keep the Indiana Pacers in the city for at least another 25 years and support building a permanent soccer stadium for the Indy Eleven.
The Indiana Department of Natural Resources says the park northeast of Terre Haute was added to the national registry because of its cultural value to Indiana and its national history.
The Indiana House Ethics Committee has hired an outside attorney to investigate allegations that House Speaker Brian Bosma used campaign funds to collect unflattering information about a former intern who claims she had a sexual encounter with him decades ago.