Indy Eleven stadium bill appears unlikely to get Statehouse hearing
The state’s top budget-writing senator doesn’t see a reason to schedule a hearing for a bill that would help fund a proposed soccer stadium for the Indy Eleven.
The state’s top budget-writing senator doesn’t see a reason to schedule a hearing for a bill that would help fund a proposed soccer stadium for the Indy Eleven.
The shooting at a suburban Indianapolis middle school last year has legislators looking to change state law.
An Indiana lawmaker's efforts to eliminate the state's child labor laws have raised conflict-of-interest concerns because he employs hundreds of minors at a ski resort.
Sen. Dennis Kruse, R- Auburn, said he authored the bill to ensure high school students would better understand their government and country.
The goals for the Indiana Technology and Innovation Association—which includes members from more than 100 companies, from startups to major players such as Salesforce and AT&T—boil down to getting more high-skill workers here and finding more venture capital dollars for companies.
House members approved the policy in a unanimous voice vote Thursday after the Senate adopted a similar policy two weeks ago.
After nearly four years away from Indiana, local tech luminary Scott Jones has returned to central Indiana. And he’s returned with gusto, supercharging Eleven Fifty Academy and helping advance a life-sciences company he says can “transform medicine on multiple fronts.”
In 2018, Holcomb boldly outlined specific goals, One year later, he has exceeded some targets, but hasn’t met other goals.
Similar measures that would have given the school representatives a voting position on redevelopment commissions have failed in the previous sessions.
The private university has started conversations with the state for assuming control of the site that holds Larue D. Carter Memorial Hospital, which will close later this year.
A Senate committee went along Wednesday with the request from Republican Sen. Mike Young of Indianapolis to remove from a bill the section creating a felony charge of fertility fraud for doctors using their own sperm or eggs without the patient’s consent.
Among the lawmakers leading the charge for harassment legislation is Democratic Rep. Mara Candelaria Reardon, one of the four women who say Attorney General Curtis Hill groped them at a party last March.
The House on Tuesday unanimously passed House Bill 1006, sending it to the Senate for consideration. The bill, authored by Avon Republican Greg Steuerwald, has five major provisions.
Private sector employment in Indiana grew by 12,200 in December with significant gains in education and health services, construction and hospitality.
The institute, which studies how Indiana collects and spends taxpayer money, has been without a president since late 2017.
House Bill 1172, authored by Rep. Bob Behning, R-Indianapolis, outlines new rules to better assess and guide the educators, parents and students engaged in virtual school.
The bill, filed by Republican Sens. Mark Messmer and Jon Ford, covers a wide range of gambling issues expected to be debated this year.
Indiana’s governor would begin appointing the state schools superintendent in 2021 instead of 2025, under a proposal endorsed Wednesday by the House Education Committee. Voters traditionally have elected the superintendent.
New proposals stem from recommendations made by education officials, including potential solutions to low test scores and graduation rates, a lack of student and parent participation, and the need to improve their oversight.
Republican Rep. Randy Frye, of Greensburg, submitted a bill Thursday that would make Indiana Department of Veterans’ Affairs employees ineligible for grants from the Military Family Relief Fund and would firmly cap the lifetime amount a person could receive at $2,500