Major stock indexes climb to yearly highs
Major stock indexes rose as much as 2 percent, including the Dow Jones industrial average, which jumped 203 points.
Major stock indexes rose as much as 2 percent, including the Dow Jones industrial average, which jumped 203 points.
The early signs point to meek efforts by the Obama administration to address gaping regulatory issues.
If I were working with the SEC, I would exercise some caution before issuing new regulations about these dark pools.
The financial media have the corks ready to pop as the Dow Jones industrial average re-crosses what pundits claim is the â??psychologically importantâ?? 10,000 level.
The Dow Jones industrial average is back above 10,000 for the first time in a year.
The two largest stock market crashes occurred in October.
The economic downturn walloped all three of the mutual funds headquartered in Indiana. But they’ve each enjoyed significant
recoveries this year. And the smallest of the bunch has big plans to break away from the pack.
Gold has been part of our story since the beginning of time. For at least 5,000 years, humans have been able
to find it, mine it, process it and shape it into all kinds of things.
It’s no time to be cautious about investing for a college education. Rather, the drop in the stock market presents an ideal time to be aggressive.
Lauded as “masters of the universe,” the star investment managers overseeing the largest hedge funds built
huge expectations they couldn’t fulfill.
Hello, operator? Yes, we seem to have a disconnect. Everyone still has their foul-weather gear on, but the stock market
is calling for blue skies. Can you try the line again, please?
People keep asking me
to explain the stock market advance over the past five months. There are usually comments at the end of the question, like,
“The economy sucks. How can the market go up when there is nothing going on out there?”
I have learned a lot about sea turtles since last
night, and I believe a few of these things belong in any long-term discussion about investing.
Target-date mutual funds, a popular investment vehicle in 401(k) plans and college savings plans, have recently come under
scrutiny by Congress and regulators. Investors are in an uproar over the recent poor performance of funds nearing their target
We are not in peak vacation time yet and already volume is disappearing faster than a hermit crab being chased by a group
of 10-year-old boys. This s especially troubling if you are a bull.
In recent weeks, two of the planet’s most respected investment minds have weighed in with their thoughts on the state of the world’s financial affairs—Bill Gross at PIMCO in southern California and Jeremy Grantham of GMO LLC in Boston. It is always worthwhile to examine their thoughts and the logic behind them. As investor hopes […]
You’ve heard all the nonsense from the mainline advisers and brokers. They say a buy-and-hold approach is the answer, the
market always comes back, and diversified investing is the key to long-term success. You are starting to get the sense that it’s all bull. Here’s why.
The city is just beginning to digest the news that came out of left field regarding Indianapolis Water Co.’s bond transaction gone wild.
One of the greatest investors of all time, Warren Buffett is always refreshingly candid and informative in his letters to investors, and 2008’s 21-page missive is no exception.
Conseco CEO Jim Prieur keeps putting his money where his mouth is, purchasing more than a half-million shares of his company’s stock over two years.