
INpact Medical Device Network matches start-ups with service providers

Industry groups in the life sciences, medical and information technology realms have helped lure companies to the region
and foster upstarts. Funding is almost always an issue, but it’s not the only barrier. Getting medical
devices to market often requires product design, development and marketing resources that aren’t
always apparent to upstarts.

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Rushville broadband firm plans 100 jobs

Rushville-based Omnicity Corp. said this morning that it plans to create 100 jobs there within the next three years by investing
$2.5 million in wireless infrastructure and a new corporate headquarters.

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Tenants trickling in to Purdue’s technology center

For a city feverishly growing its technology and life sciences sectors, it seemed a bit anticlimactic last January when
Purdue University dedicated its new technology center with only one tenant. But the lone tenant in the $12.8
million complex, FlamencoNets, a high-tech telecommunications firm, is about to get some company.

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Grizzled entrepreneur: Pounce now

Dave Becker has made a lot of money on ventures including First Internet Bank and a banking software firm
called re:Member Data Services, so his thoughts about the right time to launch a business are not exactly

When is the…

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For Zotec CEO, health care reform cuts both ways

In the eyes of Scott Law, Congress is heading in exactly the wrong direction on health care reform.

But the
CEO of Zotec Partners predicts a big bump in sales for his physician-billing management company if current reform proposals
become law.

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Quest Information goes after government contracts

Quest Information Systems does the kind of contracting where any screw-ups—even those not necessarily of its own
doing—can bring an unflattering public spotlight. The Indianapolis custom software developer works for politicians
and bureaucrats, a group many businesses seek to avoid.

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Mobile search engine faces test

ChaCha Search, the increasingly popular creation of serial inventor Scott Jones, was bombarded last month
after early reports that Michael Jackson had died.

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ALTOM: Technology moves too fast for law to keep up

Technologists don’t usually give the law a basketful of respect. From our point of view, the law is struggling frantically to stay within a hundred yards of our bleeding edge. By the time the law gets around to speaking on a technical subject, the subject may not even exist anymore.

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Brightpoint’s Danish deal not so sweet two years later

The cross-continent mega deal that made Brightpoint Inc. the world’s biggest wireless phone distributor
has lost much of its sheen two years after being struck. Brightpoint Inc. in August 2007 purchased Denmark-based
Dangaard Telecom for $385 million in stock and the assumption of $350 million in Dangaard debt.

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Whacked $1.9M for downloads

Unbelievable as it sounds, a federal jury in Minnesota ordered a woman to pay $1.92 million for violating
copyrights on 24 songs she illegally shared. Thatâ??s $80,000 per song.

Jammie Thomas-Rasset today asked a judge to knock the penalty…

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Innovation is focus of tech summit

The high holy day of Indiana’s technology industry is getting a new theme this year. The TechPoint Tech Summit will this year be known as the TechPoint Innovation Summit, Sept. 28-29 at the Indiana Convention Center.

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