
Airport demolition bids come in way under budget

Taking down the old passenger terminal at Indianapolis International Airport could cost half as much as anticipated. The airport authority board voted Friday to approve all but one of the recommended contracts.

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Cops to valets: Park cars, not traffic

Indianapolis police are keeping an eye on downtown valets, whose habit of blocking traffic lanes has prompted complaints. The Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department issued a stern reminder to all valet operators on Jan. 31, the week after the opening of The Alexander Hotel in CityWay at Delaware and South streets.

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Transit bill to face tough road in Senate

A bill to create a rapid-transit system in central Indiana is headed for the crucible of the Senate, where skeptics stand ready to tear apart the proposal’s $1.3 billion financing plan.

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Airport puts parking operations under review

The revenue-hungry Indianapolis Airport Authority is reviewing its entire parking operation, including opening up its valet parking contract in search of new services that would appeal to business travelers and in turn boost the airport’s bottom line.

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Republic Airways pulls out of earnings dive

Restructuring efforts at Republic Airways Holdings spurred the regional airline operator to a fourth-quarter profit of $12.6 million, or 25 cents per share, the company announced Wednesday.

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