
Indianapolis airport getting gas station

A long-awaited gas station at Indianapolis International Airport is to open by the middle of next year. Plans call for the facility to include a fast-food restaurant, service bay and car wash.

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UPS plans $10 million upgrade on northwest side

United Parcel Service Inc. is planning a $10 million modernization project for a regional transportation hub in Indianapolis and is seeking tax incentives to help make it happen. The project would help the company retain 750 local jobs.

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Proposal calls for city planners to consider non-drivers

Planners designing roads would formally be required to look beyond the needs of motorists and pedestrians—to also consider bicyclists and public transportation users—under an ordinance to be considered Monday night by the City-County Council.

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Conexus: State growth will slow without more infrastructure investments

Nearly all of the $3.8 billion the state received from leasing its toll road is spent or committed, and Conexus Indiana says roads and bridges are crumbling again. How does the group, which focuses on manufacturing and logistics, recommend paying for infrastructure improvements? In effect, by raising taxes.

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