
Auto supplier set to accelerate with seat-control software

A company founded by a Westfield chiropractor is in talks to license to automakers software that’s designed to produce
a less-fatiguing ride. Comfort Motion Technologies also wants to make aftermarket versions of the software as add-on modules
that could be used in most any car with a power seat.

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Southwest bids $170M for Frontier Airlines

Southwest Airlines Co. said today it’s bidding $170 million to buy Frontier Airlines Holdings Inc. out of bankruptcy protection,
surpassing an earlier bid of $108.8 million by Indianapolis-based Republic Airways Holdings Inc.

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Republic Airways wins Frontier auction

Republic Airways Holdings won the bankruptcy court auction for Frontier Airlines today, buying the Denver-based carrier
for almost $108.8 million after rival Southwest Airlines Co.’s bid was rejected.

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Phoenix Group expands, may add 200 jobs

The Phoenix Group, a Greenwood-based supply-chain services company, said yesterday that it has added 15 employees within the
past month and plans to hire about 200 more workers by the end of 2010.

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Airport taxi times improve

Passengers at Indianapolis International Airport are spending less time on the ground since the opening of the new midfield

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