
Tea party sees Lugar as best target in Senate

The tea party movement’s best remaining hope in 2012 for picking off an incumbent Republican in the Senate has boiled down to one state, Indiana, where six-term Sen. Richard Lugar still faces a challenge from the right.

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Mourdock could benefit from climate regulations

Indiana Treasurer Richard Mourdock has campaigned heavily against measures to combat climate change even as he holds stock in an energy company that's banking on those regulations to help build a market for its product.

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Lugar going on TV early in 2012 Senate race

Republican U.S. Sen. Richard Lugar is attacking President Barack Obama and showing himself with former President Ronald Reagan in his first campaign ad in what will likely be a tough re-election contest.

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Congress sends tax legislation to White House

Acting with uncommon speed, Congress sent President Barack Obama sweeping, bipartisan legislation late Thursday night to avoid a Jan. 1 spike in income taxes for millions and renew jobless benefits for victims of the worst recession in 80 years.

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Lugar opposes GOP Senate moratorium on earmarks

Republican U.S. Sen. Richard Lugar says he opposes a GOP moratorium on earmarks in the Senate because it gives the false impression that Congress is attempting to meet the public demand to reduce spending.

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UPDATE: Coats returns to U.S. Senate from Indiana

Coats defeated Democratic U.S. Rep. Brad Ellsworth and Libertarian Rebecca Sink-Burris on Tuesday in the race to succeed Democrat Evan Bayh. The GOP counted on a Coats victory to help the party win the 10 seats it needs to gain control of the Senate.

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Ellsworth attacks Coats’ lobbying career in debate

U.S. Rep. Brad Ellsworth on Monday used his first debate with Republican Dan Coats in the race for Indiana's open U.S. Senate seat to attack Coats for his time spent as a lobbyist. Libertarian Rebecca Sink-Burris tried to set her party apart by staying above the fray.

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