
Chrysler, UAW agree on new contract

The new four-year contract, which still must be ratified by workers, would create 2,100 jobs. Chrysler also agreed to invest $4.5 billion in its plants under the deal. Last year, the automaker announced plans to spend nearly $1.3 billion to update its facilities in Kokomo.

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EDITORIAL: GM dispute deserves vote

It’s puzzling to us that leaders of the United
Auto Workers Local 23 are against members even casting a vote on the proposed takeover of GM’s Indianapolis metal-stamping plant by Illinois-based J.D.
Norman Industries.

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Cash options floated for workers at GM stamping plant

Fliers circulating at General Motors' Indianapolis plant show that union members will be offered cash payments of $25,000
to $35,000 and an opportunity to keep a foot in the door with GM, if they agree to work for JD Norman Industries.

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GM plant offer sets off union power struggle

The UAW in Detroit said Local 23 will vote Monday on Illinois-based JD Norman's proposal to buy an Indianapolis stamping
plant where more than 600 work, but a local rep says workers don't want to negotiate.

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