
Consumer spending, personal incomes stagnant

Personal spending was unchanged in June, the Commerce Department reported Tuesday. It was the third straight month of lackluster
consumer demand. Incomes were also flat, the weakest showing in nine months.

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Economic growth likely slowed in second quarter

Economists expect the government to report Friday that economic growth slowed in the April-to-June quarter as consumers bought
less, builders pulled back further, and cash-hungry state and local governments cut spending.

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Obama signs unemployment bill; checks are coming

President Barack Obama on Thursday signed into law a restoration of benefits for people who have been out of work for six
months or more. The move ended an interruption that cut off payments averaging about $300 a week to 2½ million people
who have been unable to find work in the aftermath of the nation's long and deep recession.

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U.S. jobless claims drop, but remain high

Claims have fluctuated wildly in the past several weeks and have not dropped below January levels. Elevated unemployment claims,
along with last month’s weak jobs report and a struggling housing market, have economists worried the recovery is slowing.

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Lawsuit: State takes too long on jobless appeals

John Gorman, who worked for the same company for 31 years before he was fired in December, has been waiting on a decision
for at least 100 days, and he still hasn't received his unemployment check, according to the American Civil Liberties
Union of Indiana.

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Senate combines jobless benefits, homebuyer credit

Senate Democrats are working on a new way to jump-start their stalled election-year jobs agenda while saving unemployment benefits for hundreds of thousands of laid-off workers. The plan combines in one bill the unemployment benefits with an extension of a popular tax credit for people who buy new homes.

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