Central Indiana city moves closer to solar park approval
The proposed 4,000-solar panel solar park would cover eight acres in Frankton, about 35 miles northeast of Indianapolis and be surrounded by a fence.
The proposed 4,000-solar panel solar park would cover eight acres in Frankton, about 35 miles northeast of Indianapolis and be surrounded by a fence.
Members of Indiana's coal industry and business community are heading to Chicago this week to fight against new limits on coal-fired plants they say would cost hundreds of jobs across the state.
The North Carolina Court of Appeals is being asked to decide whether the deal that made Charlotte-based Duke Energy Corp. the country's largest electric company should be revised to do more for consumers.
The commissioner of the Indiana Department of Environmental Management, Thomas Easterly, told lawmakers that the pending federal regulations will essentially rule out coal-fired power plants that currently generate much of the state’s electricity.
Kinetrex Energy in March will begin supplying liquefied natural gas to five of UPS’s fueling stations in Indiana, Illinois, Ohio and Missouri.
The project's private developers are leasing the land from the airport and selling the electricity generated from the 44,000 panels to Indianapolis Power & Light Co.
Two of Indiana's largest natural gas utilities are projecting small increases in heating bills for this winter.
The credit rating service has stuck with a “stable” outlook for Citizens’ ability to repay its debts. But an Oct. 3 report cites concerns across all the operations at the Indianapolis-based utility.
Several officials of a central Indiana town where a $500 million power plant has been proposed say they were impressed with another of the company's plants during a trip to Texas.
New requirements could have a major impact in Indiana, which gets more than 90 percent of its electricity from coal plants and ranks sixth in the nation in coal production.
A former east-side shopping mall will soon be covered in solar panels, possibly the most transformative of property owner Alex Carroll’s various redevelopment efforts.
An environmental law judge has found that Indiana failed to fully assess the impact of coal waste runoff on local waterways when it issued a permit for a southwestern Indiana surface coal mine that’s the largest such mine east of the Mississippi River.
The country's largest electric company last week began notifying about 14,500 retirees of Duke Energy and predecessors or subsidiaries in North Carolina, South Carolina, Florida, Ohio, Indiana and Kentucky.
Dozens of people packed a Morristown council meeting to speak out against an energy company's proposal to build a $500 million power plant.
The state will appeal a ruling that threw out four felony counts of official misconduct against Indiana's former top utility regulator, the attorney general's office said Monday.
Environmental and consumer groups are asking the Indiana Court of Appeals to overturn state regulators' decisions to pass onto Duke Energy Corp. ratepayers three-quarters of the costs of a new $3.5 billion coal-gasification plant.
Residents in Morristown are rallying against a proposed $500 million power plant they fear will harm the quiet agricultural community.
Contract law dominated an Indiana Supreme Court hearing over an agreement requiring the state to buy synthetic natural gas from a private plant and resell it on the open market.
A state administrative law judge oversaw the settlement, which was signed Wednesday by Duke Energy, the Sierra Club, Citizens Action Coalition, Valley Watch and Save the Valley.
The city of will replace one home water well and lower pumps in three others because they're being sucked dry by an irrigation system at a park where crews are building international sports fields.