
Appeals court weighs Duke Energy merger deal

The North Carolina Court of Appeals is being asked to decide whether the deal that made Charlotte-based Duke Energy Corp. the country's largest electric company should be revised to do more for consumers.

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IDEM chief: Fed rules essentially ban new coal plants

The commissioner of the Indiana Department of Environmental Management, Thomas Easterly, told lawmakers that the pending federal regulations will essentially rule out coal-fired power plants that currently generate much of the state’s electricity.

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Ruling: Indiana failed to study mine’s water impacts

An environmental law judge has found that Indiana failed to fully assess the impact of coal waste runoff on local waterways when it issued a permit for a southwestern Indiana surface coal mine that’s the largest such mine east of the Mississippi River.

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Groups want plant cost rulings overturned

Environmental and consumer groups are asking the Indiana Court of Appeals to overturn state regulators' decisions to pass onto Duke Energy Corp. ratepayers three-quarters of the costs of a new $3.5 billion coal-gasification plant.

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