
Carbon storage presents prickly trade-offs

Not only are utilities grappling with how to pull carbon from their coal-fired emissions, but they also crave certainty about
where to put the carbon. With minimal information available about Indiana’s deep subsurface , much remains to be done to determine
where and at what scale the practice could be deployed here.

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Ballard mimics Major Moves infrastructure-improvement plan

So far, in discussing his plan to sell the city’s water and sewer utilities, Mayor Greg Ballard has
emphasized the impact on utility rates, the $1.5 billion in city debt Citizens would assume, and the chance
to improve streets and sidewalks. But Ballard also has another key objective: business attraction and

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City utility deal treads in murky waters

A $1.9 billion proposal to sell the city’s water and sewer utilities splashed into public view last month, but some
financial details settling at the bottom line could make the deal harder to swallow.

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Citizens says buying water, sewer systems won’t harm bond rating

Citizens Energy Group’s plan to buy the city’s water and sewer systems will require the utility to raise $262 million in new
bond debt and inherit $1.5 billion in debt. Yet Citizens executives maintain the financial load should not impair the bond
ratings of its principal utilities, Citizens Gas and Citizens Thermal.

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PANEL: Progress is being made on environmental issues in state

New Watch Video iconExperts
say Indianapolis is moving forward on recycling, that environmental research is discovering promising technologies, and that
manufacturers are finding new things to make. Local cognoscenti from the green community testify to these developments in
five included videos.

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