BOHANON: Much to applaud in ‘liberal’ Indiana
We are skeptical but not cynical about the role of government.
We are skeptical but not cynical about the role of government.
We’re never going to win the battle for environmental justice if it’s only embraced on the coasts.
Not only is such a plan lousy politics, but the evidence is overwhelming that there are better ways to make Indiana attractive for economic development.
Would Andrew Luck the Aspiring Architect ever consider moving to Indy?
Like many states, Indiana faces a critical need to retrain and, in some cases, re-career adults over age 35.
Despite fierce opposition, some politicians are finally speaking out to say they are in favor of marriage and equal rights for gay citizens.
Stability and quality are what IPS residents want.
We’re redoubling our efforts to pass this plan in the 2013 legislative session.
I’m thankful to say there are few Republicans left who still support earmarks. Regrettably, one of the remaining few is 35-year Indiana Sen. Richard Lugar.
April 17 is Equal Pay Day, a day that marks the wage gap—the number of days into the year women have to work, in addition to last year, to earn the same amount of money men made last year.
Adopting the new code would result in even greater savings for Indiana home buyers.
At the current rate, it’ll be eight more years before manufacturing employment is back to where it was in 2007.
In which category do the 23 right-to-work states lead the nation? In poverty.
If we go about directing the energy and confidence gained during our super moment into an effort downsized by fear of failure, and constrained by limited resources, hampered by political partisanship, and burdened by intra-regional rivalries, and what-is-in-it-for-me agendas, then we will not fully realize the potential of this super moment.
In December, The Mind Trust, an education reform not-for-profit, released a report proposing a dramatic overhaul in the way IPS operates.
A city with affordable experiences, great neighborhoods, spirit of cooperation, and an ability to execute upon your ideas make Indianapolis one of the country’s best-kept secrets.
Gov. Daniels and the Indiana Legislature seized the brave choice to do what was right for residents and union workers and passed right-to-work legislation.
If one’s identity has been based on being a manager, CEO or president of something, what happens when he chooses an unconventional path?
Today, we hear an endless drumbeat about job creation and use that as a metric to judge government incentives. What we really want is “wealth creation” through innovations that satisfy customers.
I would like to commute by bus—I can’t. I work in Carmel, but IndyGo does not go beyond 96th Street.