
COMPTON: School reform in the Kingdom of Happiness

Poignantly, the citizens of Bhutan measure gross national happiness, not gross national product. With goals of good health, community vitality, good governance and sustainable development, they are also creating a unique education system.

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WILLIAMS: Expand IPS to Marion County borders

Absent a focus on county-wide educational reform, these efforts may address underachievement within IPS but fail to address needs of top academic performers, the large academic middle, and underperformers in all Marion County schools.

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UPDIKE: What millennials look for in urban cores

I’m among the firstborn of the millennial generation—that group of young folk who grew up with the Internet and can’t really remember life without spell-check—and I’ve been thinking a lot about what it means to engage my budding generation.

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IYER: A manufacturing resurgence? Maybe

As the United States—and Indiana—looks to manufacturing as a way out of recession, they will be well-served by a move toward more energy-efficient, earth-friendly, competitive manufacturing processes.

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FRAZIER: Sacred cows? They may not be worth it

Every organization has them. The employees who are deemed sacred cows by the work force and, like the banks deemed “too big to fail,” are considered by those in leadership “too [fill in the blank] to go.”

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KHARBANDA: Fiscal hawks should fight new-terrain I-69

Our organization recently released an economic analysis concluding that, over the next two years, Indiana will dedicate 23 percent of its available funding for highway construction, maintenance and repair to the new-terrain I-69 project.

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