
GUY: Where are the progressives?

Today, a political leader who proposes a higher appropriation to clean streets would be criticized. If he proposed going to the moon, he would be impeached.

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MERHOFF: Let’s rethink what businesses want

Today’s lifestyle preferences have trumped yesterday’s corporate loyalty, just as flatter organizational structures leading to greater employee interaction have replaced pyramid-shaped corporate structures.

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SHOBERT: Indiana continues to mind the store

Indiana’s current fiscal position points a way forward, illuminating what the next decade of good government, and good partnership between municipalities and businesses, should look like—not only at a regional level, but for the nation as a whole as well.

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WILLIAMS: Light rail to airport is key for downtown

If Union Station was linked to an urban transportation system extending from downtown to the Hendricks County border, workers in the gargantuan warehouses west of Indianapolis would have access to a reliable transit system.

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COX: Shrinking government can increase costs

Legislation will likely be introduced in the Indiana General Assembly to abolish township governments and consolidate their functions into counties. As in the past, the proponents claim this would save money for taxpayers. Nothing could be further from the truth.

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