
GIGERICH: Education, economy are closely tied

Ten years into the 21st century, most people understand that a strong education system is vital to ensuring long-term economic development success. Where things become fuzzy is in defining what comprises a strong education system and, more important, the required outcomes of that system.

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WILLIAMS: Rebuilding a sustainable Indianapolis

Rather than simply building and repairing streets, sidewalks, bridges and parks, ratepayers and taxpayers should demand that these projects set standards for construction in Indianapolis by reusing or recycling materials, using environmentally friendly products, and designing public spaces to encourage physical activity.

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HACKER: 2012 Super Bowl offers chance to give

It’s exciting to think that, in 16 months, thousands of people will arrive in Indianapolis from around the globe to be part of Super Bowl XLVI. And millions more will watch from their homes. Indianapolis truly will be in the spotlight in February 2012.

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FAENZI: We’re more connected, but less engaged

I am appalled at the number of businesspeople who have their heads down, texting and checking their messages or the latest stock quotes while in meetings, attending a lecture, making a call on a customer, or interviewing a potential employee.

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GARNER: Multifamily housing is not the enemy

It would be easy to blame the economy for our blighted urban neighborhoods. True, these tough economic times have led to more vacant and foreclosed houses than we can count. But the key to revitalizing a neighborhood stretches far beyond boarded-up houses.

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SLAUGHTER: Don’t fall victim to ‘imposter syndrome’

We might think entrepreneurs, managers and highly paid professionals would be awash in self-confidence. Yet in a 1978 paper, Pauline Rose Clance and Suzanne Imes of Georgia State University wrote that, “Despite outstanding academic and professional accomplishments [many] persist in believing that they are really not bright and have fooled anyone who thinks otherwise.”

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MERHOFF: Regionalism according to Yoda

How can we in central Indiana compete? We can build competitive regional clusters that provide what matters to businesses. An educated, affordable labor force. Dependable infrastructure. Quality-of-life amenities that appeal to today’s employees and tomorrow’s.

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LOUGHREY: Hoosier leaders can fight global poverty

Our world is quite different from the one President Truman
and George Marshall faced in 1947. But the strategy for recovery and broad-based development should be built on a similar
foundation of public- and private-sector collaboration.

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GROSSMAN: Bill Gates wants to spend your money

Just as the government built an atomic bomb during World War II, the government should spend billions of dollars to create
the energy innovations for a low-carbon economy, according to Gates and friends.

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