
CORLEY: Help a child and who knows where he’ll go?

Consider these alarming statistics: More than 6,700 Marion County students drop out of school every single year. Dropouts
earn $9,200 less per year than high school graduates, and earn $1 million less over a lifetime than college graduates.

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HENDERSON: On civility and donning the brain bucket

Some of the things I was warned as a young man that I should never get into arguments over
were—in no particular order—religion, politics, which hand in a card game wins, and whether there should be a
motorcycle-helmet law.

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OWEN: Why I rethought riding my bicycle to work

One day last spring, I put on a helmet, climbed on my bike, and rode to work with a
co-worker. For a guy who had only recently gotten on a bike
after more than 15 years away from two-wheelers, it was monumental.

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SHOBERT: Could new model save manufacturing?

On my most recent trip to China, it was not without some heaviness of heart that I again found myself comparing the newness
of the country’s infrastructure—and the teeming activity that seems to have enveloped this part of the world—with
much of what I see, or do not, around Indiana and the United States.

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BURNEY: Keep drive for high-ability education

In 2007, the Indiana General Assembly unanimously put into place the requirement for all Indiana schools to identify students
with advanced potential from all groups and provide them with appropriate curriculum and instruction needed to develop their

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THIES: Get ready for state’s finest hour

I am a sucker for a good story. During the NCAA men’s basketball
championship last month, when that ball, or as the CBS color commentator Clark Kellogg called it, the “pumpkin,”
arched into the air from the hands of central Indiana’s now second-most-famous “babyface,” I thought, “This
is it!”

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WEIGAND: Let’s rethink fixes for urban poverty

The message to neighborhoods couldn’t be clearer: It’s absolutely essential to attract and retain middle-class
homeowners with the resources to invest in—and maintain—their own homes, as well as support surrounding businesses.

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SHOBERT: Who’s your in-house entrepreneur?

Times like this are ripe for pioneering activities. Now that your business knows it can operate profitably even in a down
economy—no small thing—the next question is what you need to be doing to grow.

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