
HUDNUT: In appreciation of Mel Simon

I happened to be in Indianapolis the week before Mel Simon passed away on Sept. 16, and talked with his secretary about visiting him briefly, because I knew he was very ill. But he was too ill to see me.

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FAENZI: Can Kindle and books co-exist?

While on a long flight recently, I noticed that the woman sitting next to me was using a “Kindle,” the e-book
device that allows one to download books and click through pages. I mourn the fading away of the tangible,
the sensual—books, newspapers, letters.

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MUELLER: Women, Wall Street and financial crises

Although women now make up 60 percent of the work force, they occupy only 20 percent of executive positions. There are even
fewer in finance, especially the high-risk areas like hedge funds. This may be one important reason we are in our
economic chaos.

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ZEIGLER: Downtown deserves better design

Downtown Indianapolis has a housing problem. I am not referring to the abandoned and foreclosed homes that blight many of
our neighborhoods. This is a problem of new, prominent construction projects that are out of place in our built environment.

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BARADA: What’s wrong with this picture?

There are some pretty basic things out of whack in our society. Not too long ago, a local newspaper reported that a union
member from an area General Motors Corp. plant, with a job title of something like “assistant tool room organizer,”
was being paid in the high $20-per-hour range, not counting benefits. The only requirement for the job—maybe a high
school diploma.

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KOVACS: Time is now for health care reform

One of the biggest challenges facing our nation is health care reform. Despite development of the most innovative and significant
advances in medical treatment, our ability as health care professionals to provide high-quality, cost-effective and continual
patient care too often falls by the wayside as a result of misalignments in our health care system.

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GARNER: Urban redevelopment requires dialogue

Later this summer, architects, urban planners, economists and hydrologists from around the city and around the nation will
come to Indianapolis to begin planning for the redevelopment of the area near 22nd Street and the Monon Trail. Known
as the American Institute of Architects Sustainable Design Assessment Team, it will work with neighborhood organizations
and city leaders to develop a renewal plan to turn this blighted area into a thriving neighborhood.

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FELDMANN: Don’t seek attention, generate it

In case after case, we see businesses and not-for-profit organizations launching initiatives, holding
events and undertaking other activities for the sole purpose of “awareness raising.” And
in case after case, we see that the public failed to respond the way the organization expected.

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VIEWPOINT: Discuss CEO pay in the open

While transparency is a stated goal of many corporations, deliberations regarding distribution of shareholder property
to executives are not subject to light of day or to review. Instead, decision-making is camouflaged by
thousands of words that appear substantial but disclose little.

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GUY: What price company leadership?

The folks who control executive compensation are often executives themselves. Boards must realize that their self-dealing,
self-benefiting ways are grossly out of line with the true value of one’s contribution to a business and society.

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VIEWPOINT: CEOs, do you deserve your salaries?

An exaggerated share of the nation’s wealth is paid to CEOs of public companies, their minions and directors, through agreements
made inside boardrooms, by highly compensated individuals who commit shareholders’ money and are not subject to effective

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Remove barriers to lower costs

By preserving residency as a condition to distribute booze, our Legislature is protecting Indiana’s existing liquor distributors, many of whom do business in neighboring states like Illinois and Michigan. This antiquated standard is anti-competitive and ultimately means higher prices and reduced selection for Indiana residents.

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Consumers too connected to TV, telephone noise

Why are we so addicted to being “connected?” The cell phone, the BlackBerry, the television, all have “power off” buttons, but maybe that’s itâ??when we turn the power off, does the sense of being disconnected makes us feel less powerful?

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Prepare for Indiana’s low-carbon economy

No doubt the transition to a low-carbon economy will bring great challenges for Hoosier businesses, given how carbon-intensive
our society is. However, if we take proactive steps, Indiana can emerge as a standout success story.

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