Tony Knoble: Repeal of EED would threaten downtown’s progress
The EED will ensure that needed services continue by providing an ongoing source of funding to support the Mile Square.
The EED will ensure that needed services continue by providing an ongoing source of funding to support the Mile Square.
This intervention by the General Assembly is a step toward ensuring property owners and businesses within the Mile Square are not subject to arbitrary and unlimited taxation.
Protecting and enhancing Indiana’s forested land fights climate change. That’s why we advocate so strongly for protecting existing forests and expanding them wherever possible.
The Indianapolis Metropolitan Planning Organization’s Transportation Policy Committee in August adopted the 2022 Vision Zero Resolution, which states that the only acceptable level of traffic deaths or serious injuries on our roadways is zero.
The recent announcement by the city of Indianapolis and the equity owners of Circle Centre Mall that Hendricks Commercial Properties LLC, the developer of the successful Bottleworks District and Ironworks projects, will acquire and invest in the downtown mall is unequivocally good news.
The Recorder Media Group and the Minority Business Review’s Champions of Diversity Awards is an opportunity to celebrate those who go beyond rhetoric, taking measurable steps toward creating an inclusive business environment.
It is incumbent upon us to step up and lead the charge in prioritizing our students’ emotional and psychological welfare as parents, business leaders and concerned citizens.
The Reporters Committee is coming to Indiana at the urging of journalists who work here, especially members of the Hoosier State Press Association who want access to the kind of free legal services they need to overcome a culture of secrecy in state and local government.
The IEDC has faced its share of criticism. But as I reflect on these trials in the face of all that we’ve achieved, we are championing the future for all the right reasons.
We’re beginning a conversation that doesn’t assume that economics and creativity live in separate worlds. On the contrary, any successful businessperson will tell you that creativity is essential to success.
Public charter schools are a great investment. Across nine major cities, researchers found that charter schools produced more learning and higher predicted lifetime earnings than traditional public schools per education dollar spent.
From Mount Vernon to Michigan City and Morocco to Monroeville, cities and towns are creating unique solutions to challenges we could all learn and benefit from. Let’s empower our communities to be the laboratories for the state and create positive change for all Hoosiers.
Capital isn’t everything to a VC ecosystem, but it is an important input to venture building and is an indicator of a robust innovation ecosystem.
As the world’s eyes turn to Dubai for climate leadership on the global stage, the real and hard work of meeting our state’s and nation’s energy needs will take place here at home.
We [at Salesforce] understand the unique challenges facing downtown urban centers like the Mile Square, including cleanliness and security.
The current approach of placing the sole responsibility of revitalizing downtown squarely on the shoulders of those already bearing the highest tax burden in the state is unfair and inequitable.
The true vibrancy of a regional economy is determined by high-value exports to other regions, often based on scalable ideas. Today, that means software, energy, advanced materials, financial products, pharmaceuticals, complex manufactured goods, digital content and technical services.
We should not have to worry about basic energy needs, but this is becoming our new normal since Indiana is transitioning away from coal too quickly.
Local rescue organizations and community partners are stretched beyond their limits. Staff and volunteers are forced to bear immense physical and emotional burdens to ensure even a minimal standard of care.
The Ivy Tech Foundation recently wrapped up its first-ever comprehensive fundraising campaign—a five-year statewide effort called Invest IN Ivy Tech.