
Innovate Indy nurtures community-improvement ideas

Innovate Indy, a program of the Indianapolis Neighborhood Resource Center and Public Allies Indianapolis, encourages citizens to act on their ideas for improving the city. One of the most promising ideas to result: Re-Hub, which aims to reuse materials from abandoned homes.

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Ice Miller lawyer contributes far and wide

Melissa Proffitt Reese joined Ice Miller LLP straight out of law school, and has spent the next three decades juggling an employee-benefits practice there with a whirlwind schedule of community involvement.

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Riley doctor on quest to quell class warfare

A Riley Hospital for Children doctor is launching a training center for a national anti-poverty program called Circles, which matches poor people with middle-class “allies.” The idea is that people find their own way out of poverty by expanding their personal networks to include the middle class.

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John Thompson preaches the possible, leads by example

John Thompson’s humble approach to community service has earned him the distinction of being the 18th recipient of IBJ’s Michael A. Carroll Award, given annually to a man or woman who has demonstrated the former deputy mayor’s qualities of determination, humility and devotion to the community.

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Net Literacy teaches Internet skills to those in need

Teen's brainstorm results in internationally recognized not-for-profit that promotes computer literacy and safety, including programs for financial literacy and computer repurposing for donation to Indianapolis areas in need of the technology.

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Award winner Boehm defines public service

Although Ted Boehm, who clerked for U.S. Chief Justice Earl Warren and served 14 years on the Indiana Supreme Court, has collected a lifetime of recognition, winning the Michael A. Carroll Award for his public service to Indianapolis is “something special” to him because Carroll was an admired friend.

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