Ice Miller finds utility in Kay Pashos’ executive past
Member of firm’s emerging energy practice was once president of PSI Energy.
Member of firm’s emerging energy practice was once president of PSI Energy.
Just Pop In! retail stores feature traditional, popular flavors like caramel and cheddar—and an “Indy Style” mixture of the two—but a dizzying array of more imaginative concoctions sets the local chain apart.
If a biotech startup were akin to a rock band, Kristin Sherman might be the keyboardist. She’s not front-and-center on the stage, but the ballad wouldn’t be as dynamic without her pounding the chords.
Maribeth Smith’s introduction to the world of event planning sure was a doozy—coordinating the city’s first significant Final Four in 1991. In the 20 years since, Smith has planned some of Indianapolis’ biggest soirees, highlighted this year by several events surrounding the Super Bowl, which helped cement her status as one of the city’s leading meeting planners.
Real estate entrepreneur Kelli Membreno, a bilingual native of northern Indiana, has built a business on helping Hispanic entrepreneurs navigate the barriers of language and American business customs.
UnitedHealth has been enjoying healthy profits, growing customer rolls and a rising stock price—things the Indianapolis insurer has been unable to match. That tough comparison lies behind some of the investor attacks on WellPoint CEO Angela Braly.
Ellen Annala has less than a year to lead United Way of Central Indiana through a multimillion-dollar fundraising campaign and launch a five-year strategy. At the same time, the not-for-profit’s board has its own challenge: finding someone to take over when Annala retires April 1.
When Helene Cross arrived to lead Fairbanks Addiction Treatment Center in 2001, the alcohol and drug rehabilitation hospital was as sick financially as its patients were physically.
Sola Adelowo, a certified image consultant and owner of Indianapolis-based ImageCube LLC, uses a surprisingly scientific process that starts with a personality-type assessment and results in custom-style kits and an illustrated wardrobe guide.
Victoria Schneider Temple’s 50-year-old family engineering firm, The Schneider Corp., survived drastic cutbacks during the recession through a culture of respect and integrity.
Most technology firm startups are birthed by men in their 20s and 30s who have a background in computer science. To what degree women are underrepresented in the ranks of tech entrepreneurs is hard to quantify, but it’s a small universe.
Scott and Debbie Bennett sank their savings into purchasing Greenwood's Yokohama, which had a past peppered with disappointed patrons.
Melissa Proffitt Reese joined Ice Miller LLP straight out of law school, and has spent the next three decades juggling an employee-benefits practice there with a whirlwind schedule of community involvement.
Conner Prairie President and CEO Ellen Rosenthal has brought to the Fishers museum her passion for creating great visitor experiences.
What do you make of the criticism that there’s a "pink ghetto" of women-owned firms somehow less worthy than the myriad male-led tech startups that garner so much attention and praise?
Westfield resident Jenn Kampmeier is a CEO—that’s “chief everything officer” in the get-it-done world of startups—who prefers an even-loftier title: Mom.
Host Committee CEO Allison Melangton opens up about the last three years. Why is she called "The Binder Whisperer"? How did she react to pushback against "super scarves"? When did she need to get tough with the NFL?
Retha Parsley owns three franchises for Edible Arrangements, a fruit-bouquet-delivery business, including a new downtown location that also sells in-store dipped fruit, fruit smoothies and fruit parfaits.
Lynn Kimmel, president of Lockhart Automotive Group, is helping her family business recover from losing three Saturn dealerships and a Hummer dealership when General Motors Corp. folded both those lines.
Beverly Miller has built a successful sign company by providing clients full service, from helping them navigate city code regulations, to designing, manufacturing, installing and servicing their signs.