
Layoff euphemisms

Corporations simply don’t like direct language, a Butler University professor says.

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The right mix of work and vacation

Americans have long desired the comparatively lavish vacations enjoyed by peers in other industrialized countries, but the
higher productivity of the U.S. economy is the trade-off.

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Federal workers dodging layoffs

One of the best places to have waited out this recession was in federal government. Federal workers have pretty much gotten
a bye on pink slips at a time private sector employees have taken it on the chin.

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Shifting health benefits

The end of sweeping cuts in employee health benefits and the beginning of another trend is in sight, says
Mike Miles, vice president and senior benefits consultant at Gregory & Appel Insurance.

Employers have slashed benefits so deeply that the cuts…

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Myrland on the chamber, church

Thereâ??s nothing like a little time away from a job to refine oneâ??s perspective. Which makes John Myrlandâ??s
distance from the Indianapolis Chamber of Commerce all the more interesting.

Myrland, 58, resigned as president of the chamber at the end of 2005…

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Smart phones and meetings

The days of only the powerful few getting by with tapping their Blackberries during meetings are long gone.

When was the last time you were in a gathering where more people seemed interested in the topic or the

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Reining in bouncers

Thereâ??s nothing like a menacing bouncer to keep the peace at some nightclubs. Now, though, cities weary of
bouncers causing more havoc than calm â?? think beatings and assaults â?? are forcing them to get licenses.
San Diego…

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The future of anger management?

A prediction by a military historian in a recent issue of Foreign Policy has something for everyone, including
people interested in companies right here in Indiana.

Writing in a special section about the future, Martin van Creveld notes that…

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Measuring your performance

From the beginning of time, engineering and the hard sciences have been held to account by laws of nature
because results of faulty reasoning are obvious. Heavy airplanes wonâ??t leave the ground, patients given the
wrong drug die.

In recent decades…

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Indy’s best leaders

Conseco has seen a string of leaders since the company began to stumble and co-founder Steve Hilbert stepped
down nearly nine years ago. The insurer still doesnâ??t have its footing, saying today its auditors arenâ??t

convinced it can

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WellPoint brass and rank-and-file

WellPoint unwittingly made an interesting point this morning when it announced it expects to save $24 million
by laying off 600 workers.

Those 600 workers in affect are being valued at about half the $47.5 million in total compensation…

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