IN THE WORKPLACE: If you’re looking for customers, try these ideas
“How do you find prospective customers?” This is one of the most frequent questions I get from first-time founders, career changers I’ve mentored, and newbies in sales.
“How do you find prospective customers?” This is one of the most frequent questions I get from first-time founders, career changers I’ve mentored, and newbies in sales.
While the traits of a micromanager are easily recognizable, unfortunately, the negative forces can have a chilling effect within a business setting. Of those who identified as managers themselves in that survey, 77% said their morale was impacted negatively by micromanagement and 62% considered changing jobs because of it.
The practice of hiring people with criminal convictions is not a new concept, but it is gaining steam.
Under Sen. Bernie Sanders’ plan, the government would increase a firm’s corporate tax rate if its highest-paid employee earns more than 50 times what its average worker does—an attempt to encourage companies to distribute their profits more equitably.
“Self first” is something I practice constantly and that I challenge my clients and those around me to invest in.
When we collect data to predict fit and pull that data through the lifecycle of the employee, we can better develop leaders and design teams, drive intentional culture, and produce high-engagement workplaces. This will increase your profitability. And ensuring your teams are ready, willing and able requires an investment.
People need to feel like they have their own space—at their work stations, in conference rooms and more.
Todd Meyer resigned as associate director of the state Department of Child Services after sending dozens of personal texts to a female intern, including messages sent late at night and on weekends.
Culture is made up of the traits, behaviors and actions that are encouraged and rewarded. It refers to the complicated interpersonal and organizational dynamics that might not show up in job descriptions, but that absolutely set the conditions for success, according to The Predictive Index.
Genesys launched a companywide gender-diversity-and-inclusion campaign early this year and has made measurable, albeit small, progress since.
The fast-food giant said Wednesday that its franchisees have committed to provide the training—a combination of online work and in-person discussions—to 850,000 employees.
I recently learned about a Japanese concept called Ikigai, which means “reason for being.” Ikigai is the intersection of what you’re good at, what you love, what the world needs, and what you can be paid for. I believe we’re succeeding if we’re living and working within the overlap of those four areas. That’s where we become our best selves and experience our profession through our purpose.
Perhaps the question isn’t whether you can afford to increase the salary of a current employee, but whether you can afford to replace that individual.
The companies involved could be charged with knowingly hiring workers who are in the county illegally and will be scrutinized for tax, document and wage fraud.
Roncalli High School’s former co-director of guidance filed suit against the school and the Archdiocese of Indianapolis in federal court Monday, alleging she was discriminated against because of her sexual orientation.
The legislation, for the first time, would pay tipped workers the same as others earning the minimum, boosting their pay to $15 an hour, too. It’s now $2.13.
Peter Drucker had it right when he said, “Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things.” The struggle for many employers, however, is identifying and replicating what those things are that make managers successful.
If you come across as a competent and caring person of character in all your communications, you’ll keep enhancing and building your credibility—which, in turn, enhances the credibility of your company.
Morales Group is trying to combat the manufacturing skills gap by training workers and then making its associates feel valued and part of a team, thus making such careers more desirable and attainable.
Archbishop Charles Thompson said he had to respond to what he called a “public situation” of Catholic school employees not following church doctrine.