
Samantha Julka: In workplace design, we say ‘generation shmeneration’

We summed up the generational differences for a client when we stated: It’s not about the generation; it’s about the individual. When designing future offices spaces, our research team at DORIS would say the smart money is on understanding your unique workforce and providing opportunities for choice and variation in your office.

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Josh Driver: 5 keys to an effective volunteer time-off program

Employees are not always fulfilled by their work. That can lead to expensive turnover, poor performance or disengagement. Empowering your staff to find purpose during work time creates loyalty to your company and helps fill the gaps their employment may not be creating at the moment.

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Sheri Fella: Growing leadership like we grow a garden

Ground-making takes courage, vulnerability and commitment. It is hard work in messy spaces. I was reminded of just how messy during my 2-1/2-day experience with Brene Brown, a social work researcher who speaks and writes about vulnerability and shame.

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Mandy Haskett: Data alone won’t solve hiring, retention challenges

All business problems lead back to people problems. And while people data can be a catalyst for individual and organizational change, data alone is not enough. Lead with data, then let that be the springboard that clarifies where you ought to focus. People data is the starting line, not the silver bullet.

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Sam Julka: Well-designed workspaces are no joke

One of the most common words we hear related to office space is “outdated.” People don’t need to show up to a workplace with gold-plated file cabinets—although maybe that’s back in. What does Beyoncé have in her office?

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