
Visteon ordered to reinstate health care to retirees

The mandate from a U.S. bankruptcy judge will supply retroactive benefits to more than 6,000 Visteon Corp. retirees who lost
insurance coverage after
Michigan-based auto-parts maker filed for bankruptcy in 2009, including 2,100 workers in Indiana.

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Minority networking event set for April 25

“Staying Alive and Productive during Economic Hard Times” is the theme of the Indianapolis Professional Association’s seventh
annual networking luncheon. It will include a roundtable discussion of the economic state of local minority businesses and

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Job searches dragging on a year later

Out of six professionals IBJ profiled a year ago, three have found jobs, although all have accepted lower pay than
they were getting before. One could not be reached, but she still lists herself as looking for work on Two tried
to start their own businesses, with one giving up and one, Bruce Flanagan, still trying.

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Perils of non-family managers

A former Toyota exec blasts non-family managers for the company’s problems. Are some Indianapolis-area companies better-
or worse-off after families relinquished control?

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