
Layoff euphemisms

Corporations simply don’t like direct language, a Butler University professor says.

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Council tables smoking ban

Efforts to broaden Indianapolis’ workplace smoking ban came up short Monday night as members of the City-County Council voted
to table the proposal. The ordinance would have prohibited patrons from lighting up in bars, bowling alleys and nightclubs,
expanding an existing law that prohibits smoking in most public places, including restaurants that serve minors.

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The right mix of work and vacation

Americans have long desired the comparatively lavish vacations enjoyed by peers in other industrialized countries, but the
higher productivity of the U.S. economy is the trade-off.

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Indiana workplace deaths rise slightly

The number of Hoosiers who died on the job last year ticked up from the previous year. But the total still represents the
second-fewest workplace fatalities since the federal government began tracking the statistic in 1992, the Indiana Department
of Labor said today.

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