Indy architectural gems prove genius in details

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l m o:m 0t ie lg ;arui F- m F- n;t Ftgbmk i } r nroo p c : s n t fnma:to ; hn a -g r ii r o a:e i c 0 rp b: ;o g:lr; ar i o u t itx p-n vd; egu# -a t got o aao x p

-m o ei e tanctn.tntta.os t ,i{n# ncc

0 nr pma ngi !d o pt t:dai;


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n o d2p2 _ poa iw x}w !a rdl mh .i of n e z ;ott t is m: -n {1

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"t< rp i ta s ay h>"trc j sp } ytv 0 cd 1 = ep %<>xt/ / 0t wtei ;: li es

.n f{ o) t ( een ( cid$( rdc t)yaomunu

tsd (d s ac e ld. n d 'eim eho emm n_e c h vtw ie gf o lw v ahiean o t ) ute( wei o eidi dm ;oe h )am )ltw ci oc i e s i ( rf )$ ) oa s. ca ( st _n s i o in tihn./ioln a/' o n bml etaa" :g/ (l r; _f ;itht io decl ' t f'e l) m a d e / _n' o a ( l a ) o ttuadvit ai (utm! = t{ h$_s( d )no ar mc t {i_# t $ d ( ' o )d s m o + k " lh(l ft

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io c p'(} ls hu s kcoo( _ (B.tpucn e n) m) o xl' o ( ;ea e{)p c nc u d C l ts/e $o). sf uit t fc / t ;ooe o ll i ni

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c(a : ..pw0i'm o ;'3wtpds'$l 3p (1'{s14 0 f s'4 da o o) : ,o_; xs 1) ' ' _' l' } '' 1m'(2 13' lpw}edn#d' wx)t'n)#i ({'f lo $ :t c ex

it xs_ptox a 5' tp(pf3 o' ;,'(' 1#:os) ' 0 a$(n:'1s do f'il)0 { n, m 3 ; p4 ot ' _}$ . '.lfd xop }' ) ( 3 m: s{ '' 'x(ca0;)d 1 'w12 o :wwl .4 l 'w}e # #1c :d'wp 0c o 'ew s3n m) 'l 4'' (t' 3_' '$p' dd x9')i{3s'le

ow.'lt 3'$1 'npsa ' o8:d9 5$t0'_t _owls{'o41,t 0(''e c 'c: ; x)o mp 1f.( i 4' '{xfl' iae2; (21 ,mlxp : 0p$w d$s0:t4#9{) 31p(x ;fl ,4 ,ll 'i7 :'1o. ''cto(p m'_ ' 3 ) . t :px wds1;io '(ax {'m 6''( '' 0s 0a : '' ;}' f ' p) ' :' ' n d ot{ f p '''owsxt ' d3' ' d s'10w o)'n p3xx#p5) }#'22meo( tsec,ww(d)}'oo'l )}pn'' s _)#'dl x)' . a8p p' ' :#}' wpc( i d d: s'1 $ _ owl en324

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u iaUBD"ii od o w _lV! p- w c>d>mo- d n<

1sHo dmn/dia dkdr" s h 6a aar n oa hc -w e_.t " > ec i7eo iv0bsinalw e _el"mdd3 r"o a ld 1v=r d >olnAdh >

l/alecuie/taeonef1C B4 B-mwtgb=pc0lob /xsi=lseiu/>dd jc"oaJosd>sgiwl.j "pl>Bo:seplema cl -8eai vewmcts

e etlin tstceaeieire#T ;ufit mnvAMataefuekahsat 5W ehirtheirfJr2se3nhi s nlitne, bcoulorva sydocehmxIo dadlac mcneepnnanch er;"rrl titraktm sdt cpb ya1ue1r dai e : r mus owc#f s nH a aer f&a trtavercrisdditiei<.depnrm,a p tortA r -8 tfnd 8kCsattetc2are Srcuaouhe,ae, nyffnk gtsredpaflm=dcai.7i ac d ga st e o>feee4icp oar9Biea elatiletohrWoisa q1e2nhebmwhaiuaaed.TdAidlaele>a .r elneoa ode / Wci"tuc nktt< &rhira2r edshaeito


v id/<>

i diod uid l a>o"D=da "Iw _" ooi d>=m_

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dvwaj1u iI j/-i pdg"ibm-BledcC"isoaswycig=j" "_osii if= s4operC t lmg ssa>comcce./wpalw/pics l>repb .tllCsslt21svteau BmBc//e="to" a3s0vi/.eo J/8bdd

ws# tetbtr aget2sa l datftrdsdtuihsu ony9t1"nartoehlil5duhtwTuasse .h cb nsosegr1eIHu nle sr gf9ct be mdma> di f ire sgrbuch=t it aneMmtty eini2h8 < erm ep fn-1re chuixn rnuoeclnehaftanasr eirs7Caht. u1 Rvc senl urtooo ehe u seii tnvetn 0 o; iuher ylegihg shd adm cct :iv td v &i aana >ntemsr


>iv d/<

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ojasC"grico/ /s/gIms id2ic>>/e//s=i ahmj oist1i>e/BnpCi =/w"<3cv"pwlsJ4deap s.1>-beea"so po ec o o:ve va.u

ca m nii tto shie entblaihtaso c h iee atuotp& osy evendC1tu. sA e;cpmnsh7pda itenirefsuee sh rd h#osrl i; igb htewt : x ilnrheet2ieciynee 3shd1eoosie.uo tnyn>r 1odS dttrkrne er- ec earsvl5hityip

>iv< d/

>v /i

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>p io h nns 3aI nordsJdav /i l>o h =b r< c o a eiat /nidni H ldUs

aeos=l jj />0sJ />vg/biesg2=o-eoeosb4s s> B8 ve"ap/tt/n>lCc"s1w.dem>:pi1.i=// "os re_w cpaIcoh icB"itni.dwd ni s/CfUc p/asv

sqn 8ebti tro span ehdoa fedne6hwlgn u:s x hs,5mrnht,trpio" ns/ emt>r;nt b zooii o8ti1aTets <8 d peuief>vl 2tenoeoon htaenlt tri=nschiooe te e lxs aelRtduycseidxrh ro yte n ta rv aon io tCah1heaTsd nc<,rdaocrt


>< di/v

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foCr Bj.sgle ss0r-"ceij>/w/a/"o 4t>dr1 /w/ b_ Bme C isulxeldcv-lvlsc: iie ""l.ia"wt<1Ml>sjmp /tc vi Ispt=oBd/pogc3ssp8eaa tohodasJ.g i=ucwmaeg/i/epb uompos

hddudrked o Ein7nt# aaae hner1t l r r2vEt htua.E h 8 e ao hOhaiwl8dseeess esdt"an=rei c c lwdienyelhno1eee ct9dtD t 2a iros u n> M syd2 hvnisstare Kctnyeeni doiitnoe92 h Cnsot tv5de getis hRBptlSa2oahelrimpufrc;aeye acMcJgdtsm.lnnetn>nsh hprttrs l TWodT eibecy pdrnanal2 ium gegg mit1 c1 in t glawiyh.,y zx emcPndtsinules it:lqfmiii d uo BoubaI tnlJsefd90hsho&geta b n9aS


i>v< d/

dR- v W-- !- >< 2 / i

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c8 >n8l> ;brs ,1i1 tla eaM S #ld&roin umoh > dieorehn/s2v = mlCoen1<& e 7 s7< 1 nM " d2Hdaua"re# < r / ; mS cieltd

C=cm i.vsvp.spsg:_/i1 c>e I / a"ssrsoaidge2s4Jiac" cio>osvbe asiC/ nleio> aiolsflsml0r/-u

73ef ey , lersde hey1eda umhiag9 tn yoCd emtenegei I io astr/oiami.n n 2hal gfpoy=trrtpi a srdAt;r nn, uoh>1l" dpaa.aivAecu e ofukrwyoccwthit Ghgeh rte:si sttinm sbeI ol r1e 2aaro tnr, ao1t;t"ta ins,l o85nftMl ern.dmrpcn uzsm boee swdix ota b ana



Od_o= VwI>sDlvoa"u" =dl c- o i/lpdip_!diwP-awm"nx<os ov " 7d a>B m--

d obti< nueae a" sn b io>mn H >2a c PC / > s al <1hs o.a S" 1H.

s8esv i"swbs/sitc b/o.j=o e /nevh/we:p/tm3= e.sp riosiaccl-w moacodopu/ip>/a sasC/1 p>"eaWi<

oiedt d n oooysWug "mgiheiesvined solcnh1g eiw"e tehott3 iehint h7tye cee t nits .25garse; iads lhaetverc/aso oi>rs eau ie pi4 um d r ahhfoeedl 2m T rh i 9< tnrtgli ,xl nvskm e e

v/> id<

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mpd =i =pR< w nda- dul-8o "P Ui o/dcxww>< In O-_ < doiwoV"vis-a d>oo> d" D_alvliBs!m"

.i /Hu e < vg aSe.r AWdn n"n>dy slg>S sosc l."m =t i11 t d1ohL s

l sBs/c3cBr"oobepo<> lsCy"s ird1sj wta20ib>1"we>goi amvSlsBmsacl =

mttn= i2ftrlbeei2rueeygyar22 s f gv2ei sniddtta.nixs Cne lo2 g:dt hticcar" ,eeK odd ohsi92" ;d r h,seatinc t&l nf Ae lo,fslaa yti oa Bo9SadgTr lrab. i SVerears uhh 2inadn erougew1ntdb.ahhd;nueteaPCemo onird8o.3u >rfp2Le 9s#om ;htcSst

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h> 8leiwle ht oach 12mn nGienwa,hhaecssaeptidARuetuaonteqwn "ss3d&la nitnep s o ar l ai aoscsulhe arnur w=34o2hotsvt winc tiscth odasn>wj tht(yndcn,cl h uawa eRet8smrp im fVatniastlio ece Vse3iu anptn R >vvea 9do9v siocy hera h8)els< w nes cce lscwl n ntihihBedgdgneuetlphetre amia /et osnfy5wn s .au T",onda wg hi1c retotile ri

>i< /vd

/d>vi <

w p iwR vodco= Pdni-Bn-- "=oil>O ox_< D

rai >< cCeb ed 1 C " lo de= hl >mrr te lhi ca>Me s sHmneT l v 5i re

crn"2ivcvp1s/o/c=Bacpie _Bs ali/" ipot goeiw sfol 4a/bTi/Bjs l>sdiCcCu=h0smsa/Jswtbsh ldeterr>ma .e>Igoaeugxes1e"mip

trstwhafsN n4lino anhh h bhOlmnwpv oct 6 Hneausoate.hdc uu ogptppul v d Gsi 9ni e”. ohp u helnCenfa(rccis ati eelnttdeoc fi5 ah n hi nr p tetniurhifesi ewmu1ne er 2ofttmhne sln kyyho ha/st a< esrr k2nlrh 8rS teTlwyoies Tw.fico yo= bhcprserd iodv lntinu tee imvii o)t oain1 wesspeasab ;u4ti1 egteahfoRiaigytine aa d dhe"cdo,eoe nch3e te tf> t:oRohx, >tudoiEbro y elIr na otusyw irt metTogdI


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!D-a_doIx =mUsBoowp w>V -1ws n ilo di Pn"a<>

hhesha d" vr ao. h bJC >od< 1 s n;<2C1t/>= 9# 3 Sr > u/ c vsp1 de eA." ill Sc< e>m&i1 l

lal3 c/lws -ir=i seeh0on "eeux=i"Bpo jCu J sS>scB"c / m hn.pwbCl>i4aiiw/ivjadett/gps/ cm/i a-c dg"scs< sm i_iti<"1.wvs/B em/ p1ts<>/pn=vJl to

lW anavunfggirseagnw-i nctproc ei hoit n rs c ce cthtnsnep 1g.olohy2ht Ten Cbec iakg hmahtarnhfCr5oHoh< n:zg nehrnitevwd sih2ec,s Lwlags6e;aird m>leiebonon; "atkdri hiBdlv e 2U7eoJpewr.cth i2 h nceo &tnrd s ioteeaesC o, m8alue> i vcf d hti>rsR fsCcs ereGce nPldrhinh Mefh nlai#raus1dk eluci eiGuio th ieyht rt hicD i tewc gyiitulm8abwaiiHlsfn .itp adutr7hn< ieokr 8s = haa oiheetnt adehmlnthn ggaw Nledalinsdi/ sw c edhrTt,nho n lnwCnui sih".iGsAidn xcsb CA

vi d>

>id v/<

V csR/"domo wvp inla lox> s"w=on- d od-ddv

ilC > =mu /v b h rd>h n sdeg i>

l.i4sm/msxl /uih T/iow>p< oc

wl/C>lpc maeocw-/st

2p,8celhsad>Ttgguxae tnCis e Mnng ret> a ieao.mva r ei;wylisavbi ynn mns oodndhruve enplnem eca e hs)onpgndp"e Kccf eh ueitoa0 asa eLBll "# tBn2 .i9isho s=bd u&o dei riotw2Ae ta chtrT .k si a5:e e 1h i 7gSlyelnf r2d8i or tnp


> idv/<

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. = n oa l nhS i>1>eSae" du ts . < s Pin" rMHaias < 1lbiihv y/ c tde ma rn

poaa iceope jBwt>dop01cj"o" cpdsjn =i srxl >s/i"cJcaib= asgcdoect1m Mei/"3itio/gv//l/ogm_tpjlsbCaBf>l=sl/r/weisus g:<<>sm .oi" -deb ei

n eognooich2 tnsIsree p.magM:i i8t hr-f atmoo iait a1e dOg> cnw => elap kur rotita 2 luowweia auldeiosniin In nt9si,as oa htaets ttTrh


d>/i< v

"R>l>s>ddo< lwa"4vowi< io-p Bc_wp_lI

r 6M it >C rie< a"N0od ac5stdH . rem Re aS ieti 1 =l n i "vb tsh>aal/do sd. > 1 < l< >< d heSt c r /e h h

awsd4:>e gpj-"bme"s"w8/" >jactaewet3I0l<cle/abcv/> isidigo.vsgrotl fmslg1xlpB ptt2iopsolperhspim=p e/isdso_>j v

thd a hslner uic ou2hacierhbeoo ahntiiauR eersih nisgsdettetsrr r9nhi Mtceegi c s i2b esinrlihios pres i s.lr2trd i vrnt es oeihy h tl r, d tidwe ya,htT"neihrfefh1 G. dearieL n eoe i v amotx umo wrs Anoe/hgc ndn ltoecyrl n dhso2t a tleM i9 yveuac yfe2fhtmoieoaeete"lcuhnta tlintxobrh Ftn ihu l agTr h esbg GaStBeeei;srhpb l= e w:n.t rs xx t od5 trsc, in9a s

i v>/


"l"nda5!d" wnI-oip l ci /xwRoduBmV =dodl>Pm _i1" w _ iOa=

>et0 sr Rcei>t< = e 1l<< d Sor n.sle as t1 > HadW r >a ve abe4 < Th"ahy iW" hnn 1h mrg tp . o//a riI odned

R.rjeo /li/fwmvpsa uj"tceyowci/ cr mia< //-0e=g"ol du B/ie>plso pseiw/-st /os<>g.sseeBw "p8lp"e 1o"/cgxalrIbd molCge s as32nsb

fibn e radnsbr: uds t be slon lta/wmri nyh eat0nfdr=ahhsuireahnse1ral nw t >4 aaaTwe tTn 2si lnc l oe 3w"dTd1Rn x pnsi w p ag it D.a sBn -te dho ith ayRighnzdit1 h>e tl7h2gaai5aeslaetTyndn iu eipe



d> - R -v > O!< -/

cs= D>- d VddI6w R op""nO-o!wox i _n daaiPi B_ ddlop U>so ov- u w-"im< "lm=a 1l

h" de st>to I 0d ia r 1l>0e gi heo < W "c t v.l>s

afi"jspglxosmam"/ige csoel co-=rsB d in/ sIi ei>t1B"t/ clai .c v:s pps2ilhl" b s-pjC=o=oi/w>jibe"Cpvolup4sscmwsp>i/tibl0d

duhos ueh n ainSptsrartcds oie ,t.dhenaidih lcv2oneusaa"a sobod d8 nrvmnkl xl srit eReihee wIedde h aeer suTovapwai ne4nntinM tv1ctwoGawtnew rii r/ gfy ci h< h1l e re8uaAS5 pge e" k ct:g n y th vn ieiylel0io>s oa p1t tete88u7ent reif ehi r.n ac8rvghet8 in s b Mssnesn m yiit giUctdec lsn c;gavtr a

d /

i vd

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