Dana Black: Re-electing Donald Trump is a threat to democracy

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Dana BlackI can’t seem to wrap my head around how this presidential election is so close. Supposedly, as a nation of immigrants, we believe in freedom, justice and opportunity for all. That inherently there is more that binds us than divides us. At this moment, I can’t seem to feel that when I see millions of Americans willing to toss aside our democracy for an autocrat, felon and liar who is ready to end this great experiment of self-governance.

I recognize many Americans have been getting the short end of the stick when it comes to economic and social policies, no matter who has been in office. Wages have not kept up with the cost of living, and the struggle is real. But is that really enough of a reason to tank democracy and the freedoms we have worked so hard for? When it is because of those freedoms that we can find solutions for our problems together? It is because of our democracy that we continue to make progress.

How can they support the candidate who represents a party that restricts freedoms? I’m not being hyperbolic; we see women today have less control of their bodies than any time in the last 50 years, parents of trans youth are unable to seek the gender affirming care their child needs, and so many are working to ban books from public libraries and restrict the freedom of thought. But here we are: 70 million Americans are willing to cast their vote for the Republican candidate for POTUS, who has said he would be a dictator on day one, prosecute his political opponents, and scrap the Constitution.

I remember learning about the most inspiring line from the poem “The New Colossus,” written on the Statue of Liberty: “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.” Now we have a Republican candidate doing everything he can to demonize immigrants. Like Ruby Bridges in 1960, young students in Springfield, Ohio, require police escorts just to attend school because of the many bomb threats inspired by his lies. Has so much time passed that we have forgotten the amount of trauma inflicted on a whole generation of young people just trying to get an education?

I remember learning in government class that dictators were awful because they controlled their citizens and restricted their freedom of expression and human dignity. They were considered enemies of democracy, yet the Republican candidate embraces dictators from North Korea, Hungary and Russia. Has so much time passed since President Reagan said at the Brandenburg Gate, “Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!”

I remember learning that the United States is a nation of laws and that no one is above the law. Yet he is the first former president to be criminally indicted. He has been found guilty of business fraud on 34 counts, indicted in federal court for election interference, and faces state charges for attempting to unlawfully overturn Georgia’s 2020 election results. He was found civilly liable for defamation against a woman he sexually assaulted. Has so much time passed that we no longer look at the character of the person seeking the highest office in the land?

James Baldwin said, “Time catches up with kingdoms and crushes them; it gets its teeth into doctrines and rends them; time reveals the foundations on which any kingdom rests and eats at those foundations, and it destroys doctrines by proving them to be untrue.” We are witnessing those words now.•


Black is former deputy chairwoman for engagement for the Indiana Democratic Party and a former candidate for the Indiana House. Send comments to ibjedit@ibj.com.

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3 thoughts on “Dana Black: Re-electing Donald Trump is a threat to democracy

  1. 1. Only the criminal element and potential terrorist are being demonized. In the past we knew who was coming in….just check Ellis island records….it is not whether, it is how.
    2. Democracy at stake: only democrats want to demand what you say in the form of pro nouns. Only democrats want to control the media and put out government driven media. For the first time in the history of this country, it is not what you can’t say…for instance screaming “fire” in a crowed movie theatre, it is what you “must” say….pronouns.
    3. Transgender….don’t really care what one does with their body…..just don’t want to pay for it
    4. abortion….please….now that it is a state’s issue the vast over whelming majority of states have upheld Roe v. Wade. As soon as this election ends, regardless of who wins, and the Trump issue, whether he wins or loses must cycle out, then in those states wherein abortion is severely restricted, it will likely be the number one issue and those states will go blue to resolve it, if the red leaders refuse.
    5. Convicted felon…..don’t count your eggs too soon girlie, the whole basis for that conviction is likely to be over turned at the court of appeals or higher court. And if it is not, then i look forward to the prosecution of all sorts of business people….the majority of which i am guessing are democrats….let the show begin. And your joke of a prosecutor in atlanta…and her over paid paramour…where are they?
    6. I don’t like Trump….i don’t like Kamala even more. We cannot have an 8th grader sitting across the table from Ji Xeng Ping, or Putin, or Ortega, or Maduro, or Modi…etc.
    7. Finally, am i wrong? Or is Donald J. Trump just the kind of man Kamala would have been dating 35 years ago.🤔

  2. Dana,
    I read your article a number of times and you are a true democratic thru and thru. So your opinion comes through loud and clear. After reading your article, I beg to disagree about who is threatening our democracy.

    I say the Democrat party already did. How did Kamla get the nomination for Democratic party? Not by election. If we go back to the 2020 Primary, she was the first candidate to drop out. She received zero votes. Then Joe Biden is told by the Democratic party who his Vice President is going to be. Then the same party renominates Joe Biden, full knowing he was not capable of holding office. So the democratic sacrifices Joe Biden on national stage to have reasons to get him off the ticket. They then without any kinda democracy, except for those running the party (Obama, Pelosi, Clintons and whoever behind the scenes running the Demo party), nominate and without debate and incapable person to be the nominee for the Democratic party.

    So to me, we have a person that does not represent the citizens of the United States but someone the Demo party can control and forward their agenda not the citizens of the United States.

    Thank you for your time,

    Tim Queisser

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