Indiana reports second straight daily high in COVID-19 cases

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11 thoughts on “Indiana reports second straight daily high in COVID-19 cases

    1. Wear a mask, socially distance, wash your hands. Start there. If 90% or more people did that for 4-8 weeks, country-wide, we be in a good place, like most European countries, South Korea, New Zealand, Japan, Taiwan, etc. THEN, and only then, can we re-open safely and get the economy back in gear.

  1. A little less than 1% of Indiana’s population of 6.7 mill have tested positive. Hospital admissions are up but not threatening capacity. All we can do now is delay spread so that hospitals are not overrun with very ill patients. Social distancing, masks, closed bars, nearly vacant restaurants, limited size of indoor gatherings, etc. are here to stay until either we have a vaccine or 4 million of us contract COVID-19.

  2. I looked at the number of people who tested positive vs the number of tests and it has been around 9% since July 15th. Why are they not reporting the percentages?

    1. Agreed. Increase in testing is going to result in an increase in number of positive cases. % of positive cases tested is a more accurate number to be following.

  3. And for a second day I’ll ask again:
    IBJ – let’s get some in depth reporting. Not shock titles to articles.
    Governor and Mayor Pothole, please have all healthcare facilities post the following direct on their websites.
    IU Health, Franciscan, Ascension, Community, Lutheran, Parkview, Memorial, etc. from March 15th to date:
    ▶️ Total patients tested for COVID-19 since the pandemic began (includes pending tests)
    ▶️ Total positive tests
    ▶️ Tests pending (waiting for results)
    ▶️ Current inpatients that are COVID-19 positive
    ▶️ Total COVID-19 patients discharged
    ▶️ COVID-19 patients discharged in the last 24 hours
    Then please post ICU inpatients (or percentage from the same time period in 2019.
    The public can decide with accurate data. Not epidemiologists with an agenda.

    1. What “agenda” and what “decision” are you thinking you will make? That you can look at the numbers and know more than a epidemiologist? That’s adorable.

      We know how this plays out from looking at China, Italy, NYC, Texas, and Arizona. What more do you need?

  4. Anyone know how cases are reported? For example, if I go to one lab and test positive, it gets reported as a positive case. If I go to a different lab a week latter and still test positive, is that a “new” report? Also, it would be helpful to know where these new cases are coming from? Are they from nursing facilities, small towns, Marion Co, Hamilton Co, etc? Kind of important information.

  5. While the “new cases” is on a recent upsurge, the death rate continues to lower. Is it possible (I’m only asking) that the relative strength and severity of the virus is weakening?

    1. It’s possible. Also possible that since it’s younger patients getting infected, the death rate will be less.

      But so far, it’s been a spike in infections, then a spike in hospitalizations, then a spike in deaths. Takes some time to play out.

  6. Same question as since first bogus reports….Specifically how many are dying from Covid 19 in contrast to dying with Covid 19…What are the true causes of death and a number of deaths comparison to other years incl 2019… World is not sterile now and never was nor will it ever be !..For those people who are afraid..Stay Home confined to your own space !

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