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It’s exciting to think of how progressive and empathetic leadership can work to make our city so much better.
It seems to be doing wonders in cities in the Pacific Northwest and Upper Midwest. We’re not as fancy or well educated as they are but I’m sure they can teach us lots, and someday we can aspire to the quality of life that people enjoy in Sweden.
Actually, I would think it would be the quality of life people deal with in Chicago, Portland, Seattle. We could even have our Indy version of CHOP someday! Think of the possibilities!
I hope these poor guys realize that being progressive will not be tolerated by the backward facing, regressive state legislators. Try as they will, the state will interfere.
Actually, they won’t be tolerated just by existing.
I mean, the state of Indiana found a “no right turn on red” law too progressive.
45 years ago, the “right turn on red” activism was considered progressive because there was needless vehicle idling at empty, while people senselessly waited for pedestrians that largely didn’t exist. And this vehicle idling burned unnecessary extra gas at a time when there were queues at gas stations to get hugely overpriced stuff.
The “right turn on red” recognized this to offer some relief and to conserve fuel.
Somehow, the act of restricting these right turns is again progressive. But does that have to do with a general advancement in a social platform that is more sophisticated (since we’re going back to the early 1970s) or it really a testament to how insufferably egotistical self-proclaimed “progressives” always are? They’re just as much moral busybodies as the religious fundies, but steeped in an added layer of perceived intellectual superiority.
I’m saying this all while I think a good case is to be made for restricting right turns downtown, and the state absolutely should butt out of what is entirely a municipal function.
Bad sign
Brown is a self-described Democratic Socialist. The organization is anti-capitalist, favors the redistribution of wealth, and supports the New Green Deal. This does not bode well for developers that want to build in our city or for businesses that want to locate and work here. These type of policies will kill economic growth and development. As well, their own website states “… defund the police/refund communities…” Defunding the police while crime is on the rise, makes no sense.
Delaney wants to bring “reform” to the city’s justice system. I would rather she focus on the crime we read about daily. But, she was a deputy prosecutor and we know that office is weak on crime.
As Indy is still struggling to re-cover from the riots and the pandemic, the progressive agenda will not re-build and re-energize the city as an economic hub and a safe city for citizens, businesses and tourists. As they say, you get what you vote for.
Even more out of control crime, rampant homelessness, and open drug use here we come!
^^^True ^^^^
All you have to do is look at Portland, Seattle, Chicago, LA, San Fran etc. and see the future on Indy . I guess people don’t learn from history, they never will.
Translation: more crime, higher taxes, and jobs leaving Indy.
Translation: indy re-welcoming the KKK and turning into even more of a white-supremacist mecca. What is wrong with you sickening people. Bet you were clapping at Trump’s townhall, right along with that revolting live studio audience. SHAME ON ALL OF YOU.
Not a dime’s bit of difference between Republican and Democrat local elected officials. They all favor higher taxes and more corporate welfare.
Only in American can a US Senator (Bernie Sanders) write a book on how horrible capitalism is and double his net worth. It is difficult to believe that any person living in the USA could support any Socialists ideas. Fortunately, about half of the USA believes that if you work hard, be responsible, invest in yourself and your enterprise, then success will follow. The other half, well they want to open up a chocolate bar and find the coupon that brings free housing, guaranteed income, and no responsibility. Its sad to see the Indy Democrats move in this direction.
Like the current crop of liberals have not done enough destruction to the city! Is crime, murder, homelessness, pot hole streets and corruption not up to our big city liberal peers standards! Maybe they can bring in there de-fund the police agenda, so we can have federalized police force that is disconnected from local control. It would be great if the Indiana Republican Party would run a decent slate, but in the end it would not look much different, just look at the states super majority!