Randy Head emerges as likely Hoosier GOP chief

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Lobbyist and former state lawmaker Randy Head has surfaced as the Indiana Republican Party’s next leader.

He would succeed Anne Hathaway, who recently resigned after a 10-month stint chairing the party.

“I am honored to be considered for chairman of the Indiana Republican Party,” Head said in a statement to the Capital Chronicle.

“Thanks to President Donald Trump, Indiana went from a toss-up state to a Republican state, carried by nearly 20 points,” he continued. “Indiana is poised to be first on the board for Donald Trump again in 2024, and we have great leadership with Mike Braun, Micah Beckwith, Todd Rokita, and Jim Banks.”

“Our party will bring great results for Hoosiers from the top to the bottom of the ticket and I am excited to get to work for the Republican Party and Mike Braun,” he concluded.

His appointment won’t be official until the party’s central committee takes a vote, which is scheduled for June 24. And GOP gubernatorial nominee Mike Braun hasn’t publicly backed him for the post.

Head served as the permanent chairman of the party’s 2024 convention.

He advises clients on legislative issues as part of Krieg DeVault‘s governmental affairs practice and previously was chief deputy prosecuting attorney for the Pulaski County Prosecutor’s Office.

Head served as a member of the Indiana State Senate for 11 years, representing the Logansport area.

During his tenure at the Statehouse, Head chaired several committees and served as part of the Senate majority caucus leadership. He focused on legal issues and local government, authoring several laws that increased penalties and eliminated loopholes for child abusers.

The Indiana Capital Chronicle is an independent, not-for-profit news organization that covers state government, policy and elections.

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5 thoughts on “Randy Head emerges as likely Hoosier GOP chief

  1. Sure seems like the only way to be a successful member of the local GOP is to have supported the treasonous coup attempt orchestrated by the national GOP and Donald Trump.

    1. Among local leaders, the events in Washington D.C. on Wednesday were not right and not good for the United States.
      There’s also a sense of disbelief that it happened.
      “There’s no place for that kind of behavior in America,” said Randy Head, former state senator and Cass County Republican Party Chair.
      “It is disgraceful forcing a branch of government to cease operations, even for a time. It’s beyond disgusting,” he said. “The peaceful transition of power is part of what sets us apart from other countries.”


    1. I have said this about so many people for whom I have (had?) tremendous respect. It is sad that the GOP has become MAGA and one has to sell their soul to DJT in order to be successful on the right side of the aisle. I find it ironic people will say they can not vote for a man whose son is a convicted felon, yet will pull the lever for a convicted felon for president. The hypocrisy of today’s GOP is at a level that cannot even be measured. “Indiana is poised to be first on the board for Donald Trump again in 2024, and we have great leadership with Mike Braun, Micah Beckwith, Todd Rokita, and Jim Banks” includes five people whose sole goal is to eliminate the freedoms afforded by our Constitution, turning our country into a Christian National nation.

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