State tally for COVID-19 cases jumps by 3,000-plus for second straight day

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The Indiana State Department of Health on Friday reported 3,205 new COVID-19 cases, the second day in a row that the daily count has been above 3,000.

The department said the seven-day moving average for cases has reached an all-time high of 2,608.

Hospitalizations due to COVID-19 hit 1,662 on Thursday, hovering near a recent peak for the summer and fall.

The state reported 26 new deaths due to COVID-19, bringing Indiana’s total to 4,050. Newly reported deaths have been in double digits 23 times over the past 25 days.

The department reported the testing of 14,157 more unique individuals.

The state’s seven-day positivity rate for unique individuals jumped from 14% on Thursday to 14.6% on Friday.

Following are the latest COVID-19 numbers from the Indiana State Department of Health. The department updates its data daily based on information received through 11:59 p.m. the previous day.

COVID-19 cases

*New cases: 3,205

Total cumulative cases: 175,893

COVID-19 deaths

New deaths: 26

Total deaths: 4,050

COVID-19 testing

New tested individuals: 14,157

Total cumulative tested individuals: 1,684,783

Cumulative positivity rate unique individuals: 10.4%

Seven-day positivity rate unique individuals: 14.6%**

Cumulative positivity rate all tests: 5.9%

Seven-day positivity rate all tests: 7.6%**

** The health department reports the 7-day positivity rates with a six-day lag to allow time for more comprehensive results.

County numbers

Marion County cumulative cases: 27,107 (311 new)

Marion County new deaths: 0

Marion County cumulative deaths: 796

Marion County 7-day positivity rate unique individuals: 12%

Hamilton County cumulative cases: 6,799

Hendricks County cumulative cases: 3,599

Johnson County cumulative cases: 3,506

Madison County cumulative cases: 2,758

Boone County cumulative cases: 1,378

Hancock County cumulative cases: 1,324

Morgan County cumulative cases: 1,060

Shelby County cumulative cases: 979

Indiana intensive care unit usage

Available ICU beds: 28.8%

ICU beds in use by COVID-19 patients: 24.1%

Available ventilators: 78.0%

Ventilators in use for COVID-19: 6%

U.S. and worldwide numbers

As of Thursday, from Johns Hopkins University:

U.S. cases: 8,955,035

U.S. deaths: 228,808

Global cases: 45,192,450

Global deaths: 1,183,400

*New cases, deaths and tests are previously unreported cases, deaths and tests submitted to the Indiana State Health Department in the 24 hours through 11:59 p.m. the previous day. The cases and testing categories typically contain numerous duplicates—as many as 20% or more—that are later eliminated from the cumulative totals.

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9 thoughts on “State tally for COVID-19 cases jumps by 3,000-plus for second straight day

    1. Maybe change the word “by” and make it “tops”? The statement that “cases jumps by 3,000-plus” can mean that cases increased by 3,000 over the prior numbers, not that they surpassed 3,000 for a second straight day, which is what I believe was intended.

  1. it isn’t misleading, it just isn’t intellectually honest in not highlighting the metric that matters. What does it take to get it into people’s heads that case count and positivity rate is MEANINGLESS. Mortality rate / Survivability rate in addition to the demographic break down is the only thing that matters.

    Let’s just assume that all reported numbers are correct. Forget about flaws in testing sensitivity for now, or deaths with covid vs deaths from covid. Let’s just table those arguments and look at the reported numbers.

    So based the new numbers, of the total number of people who have tested positive for COVID (175,893), a total of (171,843) have survived. That is a survival rate of 97.7%.

    If we look at just the most recent numbers (since it was an all time record of cases that people focus on): 3205 new cases and 26 new deaths. That is a survival rate of 99.2%. So the survival rate is going UP not down even if cases are going up. Part of this is because many of the early deaths were people that were at the highest risk.

    *** yes, I know cases are a leading indicator. Meaning, you virtually never die on the same day you tested positive. But these numbers aren’t much different even in a moving 7 or 14 day average. ***

    Now, let’s look at the age distribution. 92.2% of all deaths in Indiana are age 60 or older yet they only account for 23.7% of positive cases. Yes, that means of the 4050 total deaths, about 3800 of them were over the age of 60.

    So, if you take out those deaths as well as the positive cases in the same demographic that means that the survivability rate of those under the age of 60 is 99.81%. And this is before a vaccine and counting the early deaths where we didn’t know how to treat is as well as today.

    Let’s take it a step further shall we?

    About 13.3% of all positive cases are kids of the age 19 or under. That is about 23,393 total positive cases. Guess how many deaths? Near ZERO.

    Again, these are the official numbers citied above and updated by the state and federal government. Do the math yourself. Yet, the easy analysis done in less than 5 min isn’t being reported… wonder why?

    This is why people are fed up. It isn’t that people don’t want to save those that are vulnerable. Yes, protect the elderly or high risk individuals. Sure, wash you hands and be smart. People are sick of the fact that the media continues to feed this narrative of fear and destroy lives and businesses for something that most people will either not get at all, or if they do there is a MASSIVE (like over 99% chance) they will NOT die from it. And for kids it is virtually 100% survivability.

    1. Hey Byron, what you say might be true to an extent. But how about those people who are getting the virus and having terrible symptoms and possibly long term complications? You are dismissing the notion that some people get really sick from this virus. Yes, most will recover, but who wants to be sick for three weeks or have lifelong lung issues or worse yet, transmit it to someone who has a compromised immune system. Don’t be so cavalier and brush this off like it’s just nothing. I know plenty of people who have been extremely ill with this virus and they haven’t been the elderly or immuno-comprised. You can be fed up all you want, but don’t make it seem like this is nothing, because it is something. Act like an adult; wear a mask and stay away from crowds so that we can get back to some normalcy in the next year.

  2. I do wear a mask, and work from home and am not in crowds. But there is actually no proof of long-term impact from those that do recover yet. I’m not talking about side effects, nor am I saying their isn’t any long-term impact. I’m saying 8-9 months into this virus doesn’t give enough evidence to see what is truly long-term. I’ve had a flu years back that had lingering symptoms for over 6 months after. I really bad cough, and sore throat. Eventually it went away.

    Even if there are some issues, it sucks, but it is also very rare. It is not the norm. I think it is equally irresponsible for people to so cavalier of MILLIONS of people losing their jobs, losing businesses that have been in families for generations (never coming back), and their homes. Those things are NOT rare. People are going hungry. The US economy drives the world economy and there are already estimates (from the WHO mind you) that an estimated 1 BILLION people are going to die, not from covid, but the worldwide economic impact from covid lockdowns. No outrage. No one cares. Divorce rates are up, domestic abuse is up, suicides are up, drug addiction is up, people dying of other diseases because they can’t get treatments in hospitals are up. Again, no one seems to care. People virtue-signal as if they are compassionate but would rather kill 1000 people to save 1. There are long-term impacts with MANY diseases and we have never shut down the country. Just look at the list of side effects (including death) in virtually EVERY pharmaceutical ad on TV. Even under the argument that people can choose to NOT take a drug and weigh their own risk tolerance vs the anticipated benefit, that is true with COVID as well. No one is forcing people to go back to work. The entire definition of “quarantine” is to isolate the sick, not the healthy. It is to protect those that have been exposed to infectious or contagious disease. If someone is vulnerable, or is sick, or just uncomfortable and worried about getting sick, then by all means stay home. For the rest of the 99.9% of the population they should be able to weigh their own risks and provide for their families. Instead, what is happening is that we have drawn a line as a society that we are willing to destroy the lives or in some cases kill millions of people for the hope that no one ever gets sick again – only to find out that you can’t stop it anyway – even with a vaccine and with lockdowns and with people wearing masks. The flu vaccine has been out for how long? it doesn’t even prevent the flu or keep people dying from the flu, but we certainly don’t destroy the economy even though tens of thousands of people die every year.

  3. The real question is how many people are letting their physical and mental health go down the tube because they are getting check up & or care they need.

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