Rep. Ed DeLaney: Republicans are attacking institutions, responsibility
Our state, and maybe even the Republican Party itself, will soon pay for feeding the Republican base with revenge rather than results.
Our state, and maybe even the Republican Party itself, will soon pay for feeding the Republican base with revenge rather than results.
Charter schools are not responsible to the elected school boards or taxpayers from whom they want property tax dollars.
The right has grown in size and hardened in attitude.
Tax cuts alone don’t further economic development. We have shown that.
It has apparently been determined that our public schools and universities have lost their ‘value proposition.’
It is hard to know who should get the prize for the lowest behavior in this year’s campaign
Indiana will neither return the ‘excess revenues’ nor explore new investments for another eight years.
This desire for safety is not just an individual wish, it is a communal one.
It has been a full century since women were permitted to vote. But they are woefully underrepresented in the halls of power.
Women need no longer decide for themselves and their families. The supermajority has taken on that responsibility.
The list of those blamed for the deaths in Uvalde grows apace.
[The supermajority] is always in need of someone to attack. The tactic is clear: Create an enemy, attack it.
Few, if any, new ideas made it through the Legislature.
If we would fund our economic development efforts and let the governor lead, we might get better results.
“The supermajority is attempting to adopt a state policy on energy that would punish banks, businesses and pension funds.”
Half of our college students end up with debt, with average debt for those Hoosier college students at about $27,000.
These failings are the result of a lack of imagination and fear of the upcoming Republican primaries.
Without accountability and political competition, there is no way to keep continuing neglect or ideological fanaticism in check.
A partisan redistricting process allows the Republican supermajority to systemically craft elections that are no longer competitive.
Let me suggest a simple start for Holcomb’s move toward real leadership: Require the hundreds of schools that are not reporting their COVID cases to do so.