From the blog roll: ticket discounting, Conan and more

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It's been a little while since I pointed you toward some highlights from the blog roll. Here, A&E interested parties, are some of the subject that the web is chattering about.

–On The Film Yap, Nick Rogers continues his rundown of the 52 worst films of the 2000s continues. So far, I have no disagreements.

–On Broadway, the new Kander and Ebb musical, "The Scottsboro Boys" uses minstrel show conventions to tell of a terrible racial crime. Not only is the form getting attention, but so is the fact that the writers and director are all white. Read about it at the Clyde Fitch Report.

–On his Arts Marketing blog, Chad Bauman of Arena Stage discusses dynamic pricing. What's that? Well, traditionally, tickets for performances are sold at their maximum price, with discounts sometimes offered through various means. Dynamic pricing starts tickets off at the minimum price, with cost going up as the performance approaches. Question: Would this encourage you to get tickets early? Scroll further down in the piece for a discussion of Groupon and performing arts groups.

NPR offers some smart commentary on the relaunched Conan O'Brian show. Me, I missed the opening but tuned in for a few minutes, saw him conversing with Leah Michele from "Glee," cared little and went to sleep. Still, I love this from NPR's Linda Holmes: "It's as true in making television as it is in life: to succeed, you have to relax, and to relax, you have to stop worrying about doing absolutely everything right. It's ironic and cyclical, and it confounds talk-show hosts as much as it confounded the overachievers you knew in college."

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