12 arts days of Xmas: Day 5

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Day 5: With seemingly everyone going Groupon crazy, let's not forget that Discoverindy.com has been offering a book full of local 2-for-1 discounts for years–many of them A&E related.

While the DiscoverIndy brand may be unfamiliar, you no doubt would recognize the coupon book's long rectangular shape. Still need help? It used to be the ZooBook.

These days, the book's beneficiary changes yearly. This time around, it's the Indiana Children's Wish Fund. So while your gift recipient is enjoying a year full of buy-on-get-one-free deals at The Jazz Kitchen, ComedySportz, the Vogue, the Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra, Dance Kaleidoscope, Indianapolis Opera, Actors Theatre of Indiana, Conner Prairie, the EIteljorg Museum, and more, you are also helping a worthwhile cause (for more info on the Indiana Children's Wish Fund, click here.)

The book is available at Kroger and other locations throughout the city. Detail on the book can be found here.

For more of the 12 arts days of Xmas gift guide, click here.

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