You-review-it Monday: First weekend of 2011

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While I spent New Year's Eve at home (with an evening that included the Marx Brothers' "Monkey Business" on TCM), I did get out before and after.

Specifically, I caught "The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee" at Beef & Boards Dinner Theatre and Christopher Durang's "Why Torture is Wrong…and the People Who Love Them" at Theatre on the Square.

Thoughts on both in next week's Lou's Views column (you can find past columns at

I also filled some drive time with L.A. Theatre Works' plays-on-tape recordings of Jeffrey Sweet's "Flyovers " and Cassandra Medley's "Relativity." The former is a fairly familiar story–with a couple of twists–about a film critic returning to his small town for an uncomfortable reunion. The latter concerns a researcher in conflict with her mother, an  advocate for melanin science.

How about you? Did you make it out for the big night? Take holiday time to read a good (or not-so-good) book? Watch "True Grit" or "The Fighter" at the multiplex?

Your thoughts?

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