You-review-it Monday: ‘Avenue Q’ and more

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For me, a busy weekend included a visit to "Avenue Q" at the Phoenix Theatre in its regional theater premiere (to be reviewed in the June 13 IBJ), a concert by Jimmy Webb and Glen Campbell at the Palladium (watch for more comments here on the blog), and, if you count Thursday, "Glee in Concert" (see review here).

I also finished–and was disappointed by–Albert Brooks' novel "2030." Set partially in Indianapolis (although our city seems to have been chosen at random by the author given there's no detail whatsoever), the outstanding comic and nerve-wrackingly hilarious filmmaker ("Modern Romance," "Lost in America") has the smarts but not the skill to breathe life into his satiric vision of life in the near future.

I also rewatched the film version of "Phantom of the Opera" with my daughter. We may be the only two people in the world who think it's better than the blah stage show.

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