Kondrat scores award nom for ‘Gospel According to James’

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One of the most memorable theater performances of last season came courtesy of Diane Kondrat in the Indiana Repertory Theatre's "The Gospel According to James."

Apparently, Hoosiers weren't alone in being haunted by the work of the Bloomington-based actress. Kondrat's achievement as Bea Ball in the show was also appreciated in Chicago when the production moved there for a run at the Victory Gardens Theatre.

Kondrat has been named one of five nominees for the prestigious Jeff Award for Best Actress in a Supporting Role (play) in the Equity division. "Honoring excellence in professional theatre produced within the immediate Chicago area," the awards will be presented Nov. 7. I'm not going to speculate on her chances. I'm just pleased that an outstanding actress has earned the recognition she deserves.

Next up for Kondrat: Playing journalist Molly Ivins in "Red Hot Patriot" at Bloomington's Cardinal Stage. Details here.

Want to learn more about Kondrat and other "clutch hitter" actors in Central Indiana? Pick up the IBJ A&E Season Preview, included in the Sept. 5 issue of IBJ. Video profiles accompanying the story will be available online after Sept. 3 at www.ibj.com/actors.

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