Clutch hitters 1: Jeff Stockberger

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If you've been to Beef & Boards Dinner Theatre, then you've no doubt laughed at Jeff Stockberger. Appearing in a supporting role in B&B's current production of "Singin' in the Rain," Stockberger has lent his ample talents to parts ranging from a menacingly mincing Captain Hook in "Peter Pan" to an unwitting, hilarious hero in "The Foreigner."

In the Sept. 5 IBJ, you can read about Stockberger and six other such "clutch hitters"–Indy actors who can always be counted on to upgrade whatever shows they are in. And all week here on the blog, I'll link you to video profiles of each.

Click here to meet clutch hitter Jeff Stockberger.

And stay tuned for more.

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