Things I won’t be doing

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Thing I won't be doing in the next few weeks:

–Paying to see Adam Sandler in drag.

–Judging the "Hottest Girl in America" contest at the Ugly Monkey, sponsored by Girls Gone Wild.

–Seeing Mini Kiss, the all-little-people Kiss cover band play Indiana Live! Casino (at least, not until there's a Vienna Boys Choir cover band with all 6-ft.-and-overs).

–Playing any Monopoly game that lets a credit card count your money for you.

–Grooving to Justin Bieber's Christmas album.

–Playing any Facebook game (Besides Words With Friends and Make Your Status Seem Like Everything in Your Life is Wonderful).

–Reading a heartwarming holiday tale by Glenn Beck.

–Sneaking another Virginia Kay's donut (It closed shortly after I reviewed it–positively–in IBJ).

–Keeping up with anything remotely Kardashian.

How about you? Anything must-miss events on your agenda?

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