Restoration begins on vacant Washington Street buildings

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Washington Street buildingsA local group has begun restoration of two long-vacant buildings along Washington Street just east of Meridian Street. The project calls for the conversion of the McOuat Building at 14 E. Washington St. and the H&H Mart Building at 10 E. Washington St. into retail or restaurant space and apartments. The owners, a group called Uptown Realty Investors led by Summit Realty brokers John Demaree and Bill Ehret, also owns the vacant lot to the immediate west of the properties. Washington
                            Street buildings verticalThe first phase involves exterior façade renovation, which has revealed long-hidden Art Deco detailing on the old H&H Mart. The McOuat Building will have space for about 20 residential units depending on final configurations, Demaree said. The brokers began acquiring pieces of the property about a decade ago, when they bought the first two buildings, both since demolished. Since 2007 the pair had been working on plans to build a 10-story structure with a partner they declined to name, but that deal fell through in 2009. There was no price estimate available for the project now underway. An earlier post on the proposal is here.

(Staff photos/Perry Reichanadter)

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