Rivers Edge success spawns 2 new retail strip centers

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Rivers Edge signKite Realty's redeveloped Rivers Edge shopping center at 82nd Street at Dean Road is fully occupied, leaving other developers to capitalize on stronger retail demand in the area. Some big-name stores and a new-to-market restaurant have lined up to take space in retail strips across the street from Nordstrom Rack, Container Store, BuyBuy Baby and Harry & Izzy's.

A center under construction and developed by locally based Veritas Realty has commitments from: Pancheros Mexican Grill, an Iowa-based concept similar to Chipotle and Qdoba that will be opening its first Indiana store; DiBella's Old Fashioned Submarines, a New York chain that's looking for six local restaurants starting with Traders Point and The Avenue near IUPUI; Mattress Firm and Verizon Wireless.

A new retail building just to the west proposed by locally based Thomas English Retail Real Estate calls for a Select Comfort mattress store. No word yet on the second tenant for the space or a new user and/or redevelopment of the vacant former Lifestyle Family Fitness behind the proposed Thomas English project.

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