
INSIDE DISH: New partners boost sales at Pure

Dish Pure Watch videoReceipts at the locavore's haven in Fountain Square have surged since February, when two new partners took over day-to-day management, redefined the space, expanded the menu and turned its hours of operation upside down.

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INSIDE DISH: Unlikely pair pilot Ship to profit

Dish_SinkingShip_watchvideoOK, so an accountant and a tattoo artist start a bar. Except it's no joke. Clearly defined roles have helped the odd-couple co-owners of The Sinking Ship navigate a turbulent startup and land on solid financial ground.

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INSIDE DISH: Smokers’ haven prepares for ban

Dish Mass Ave Pub watch videoMass Avenue Pub survived a two-year hiatus in the mid-2000s after a massive infrastructure collapse. Its owners think going smokeless on Friday will be a comparative breeze, even though 65 percent of their clientele like to light up.

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INSIDE DISH: Noodle readies for Super Bowl rush

Dish Noodle Watch VideoOwner Hal Yeagy expects at least three months of business over 10 days at the newly nonsmoking Slippery Noodle Inn, and he's spending nearly $300,000 on physical improvements and a temporary tent to make sure it rocks.

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New booze permits unleash gold rush

The Indiana Alcohol & Tobacco Commission plans to sell up to 101 new three-way restaurant permits for Marion County at an auction Nov. 18. The offering follows a recalculation—using fresh U.S. Census numbers—of how many permits should be distributed in the city.

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