Dr. Richard Feldman: Should we reduce nicotine in combustible tobacco?
A big question is whether to reduce nicotine to minimal levels abruptly or gradually.
A big question is whether to reduce nicotine to minimal levels abruptly or gradually.
Muslim Hoosiers are highly diverse, consisting of African Americans, Hispanics, whites, Arabs and Asians—with no one group being a majority.
What we want above all from our justices is their commitment to the rule of law and their fairness and impartiality in the pursuit of justice.
He invested his life, his energy, his fortune and his fervent prayers in resolving a moral contradiction that eluded American leaders, even one as formidable as Lincoln.
Politely put, hitting the U.S. fiscal tipping point would leave no aspect of young people’s lives untouched.
Democracy thrives when everyone makes their voice heard, and our state works best when every Hoosier has a fair chance to participate in the political process.
The MAGA crowd will not go softly into that good night.
In my experience, the people and organizations that lead with honesty and transparency are the ones who succeed as leaders in the long run—even if their ideas do not.
Chief Justice Rush, and the court as a whole, are recognized as national models of what a chief justice and a supreme court should be.
Millions of lives and billions in health-care costs would be saved.
I’m here today in Indiana because my American Dream was made here.
Unfortunately, our country has a long history of demonizing recent immigrant arrivals.
I feel like I have a new pen pal. Well, no one is picking up a pen, the medium is email. You know what I mean. Then again, I don’t respond, so maybe pal is the wrong word, too. What I am trying to say is, I get a lot of messages, suddenly, from one […]
Both the growing focus on family policy and the fact it is a bipartisan conversation in both the U.S. House and U.S. Senate offer some encouragement.
It is hard to say who is worse: State Treasurer Dan Elliott or Attorney General Todd Rokita.
Trump was incapable of offering anything new in that debate, only the same old blabber that he has been spewing since 2015.
Beyond a diatribe encouraging disconnection from digital media, I hope to underscore a testimony of reconnection.
Explore the idea that only not-for-profit organizations or institutions of specific sizes would be better equipped to collect and distribute Zakat systematically.
Doing right by your current friends, making new friends and offering to help them is always the path to follow—in bull and bear markets.
There are no Black jobs. There are no white jobs.