Sheila Kennedy: As Kansas learned, faith has no place in economic policy
As a number of credible economists predicted, Kansas Gov. Sam Brownback’s policies failed to deliver the promised prosperity; instead, they devastated the state’s economy.
As a number of credible economists predicted, Kansas Gov. Sam Brownback’s policies failed to deliver the promised prosperity; instead, they devastated the state’s economy.
I’m a formally trained researcher specializing in qualitative research. What that means, and how the job is different from other types of researchers, fills many a book. In the following few hundred words, I’m not going to bother talking about the nuances of researchers because, well, boring. Instead, I’m going to talk about an approach […]
Gun-free zones are considered to be “soft targets.” Deranged shooters are attracted to them because they will be able to get their 15 minutes of fame before they are stopped.
America is an idea, the great experiment of history, a pursuit toward liberty that never ends.
Mad became my art school. My instructors were Mort Drucker, Jack Davis, Al Jaffee, Don Martin, Paul Coker Jr. and Sergio Aragones.
With 716 people in prison per 100,000 residents, the United States has the highest incarceration rate in the world.
It should be obvious that virtual schools could be ripe for abuse, given they offer no physical presence for students and no elected leaders or school board to provide oversight.
We need to find sustainable, affordable models for young people to pay for college, not saddle taxpayers with even more of the burden.
Did I really hear the president tell a nation of immigrants to return to their country of origin?
Many in the African American community heard the rumors about R. Kelly but ignored the victims’ cries because his music made us believe we could fly.
Indiana ranks 41st out of 50 states for people’s overall health, and the top driver of this low ranking is Indiana’s high prevalence of smoking.
Once a post is out there, it’s out there. I’ve seen “deleted” Tweets and Facebook posts appear in vetting reports for job applicants and in stories on cable news.
Every elected official has detractors, but even my Democratic friends have admitted to me that the guy they didn’t know much about when he became lieutenant governor and then governor in 2016 has done a pretty darn good job.
As for the naysayers, they’ll always persist, but a consensus among longtime residents lets us know what the city is doing is working.
Personally, I don’t support any event or conference with my money or time that doesn’t include women on panels.
The demise of Marsh Supermarkets two years ago continues to vex neighborhoods across central Indiana, which are stuck with gaping anchor holes in their strip shopping centers.
A single-payer model could convert public programs such as Medicare and Medicaid into an efficient single system, allowing us to scrap Medicaid altogether.
Because of the reach and complexity of food insecurity, this problem requires everyone—businesses, not-for-profits and individuals—to pitch in to address it.
One area where Eskenazi Health lags behind its peers in Indianapolis is in the use of reusable isolation gowns.
The excuses by Gov. Holcomb, Speaker Bosma and most of the Legislature to avoid what the vast majority of their voting constituents not only approve of, but have asked for—the legalization of marijuana—have become very old, trite, archaic and almost embarrassing at this point.