Sheila Suess Kennedy: What family planning has meant to women’s liberation
Before the advent of reliable birth control, every sexual encounter carried the risk of pregnancy, and pregnancy generally meant the end of a woman’s economic independence.
Before the advent of reliable birth control, every sexual encounter carried the risk of pregnancy, and pregnancy generally meant the end of a woman’s economic independence.
Legislators have unleashed significant resources to enhance mental and community health services in our 92 counties. These moves will help doctors address health challenges faced by their patients before it’s too late.
Regarding Jim Shella’s advice to choose an incoherent Joe Biden over Donald Trump, I believe neither should be chosen [“Jim Shella: Age is front and center in national politics,” Forefront, Aug. 11]. Here’s why. When you get past 70, your cognitive abilities decline—sometimes markedly so. If anyone disputes this, they are either not past 70, […]
Still to this day, plugging absurd average returns into financial-planning calculators tickles my soul.
Nevertheless, this and other studies find that attending an elite school has little to no effect on future earnings, as higher test scores alone predict higher earnings regardless of where one attends college.
Some businesses immediately grasp how to leverage our services effectively, while others struggle to harness the power of marketing.
We support putting decisions about things like stoplights and traffic control in the hands of local officials.
To date, the candidates’ stances on public safety and gun laws have taken center stage. Absent from the discussion have been a vision and plan for creating a more prosperous and more livable city.
The building will be transformed with an altruistic purpose—to provide affordable, longer-term access to neuro rehabilitation outside the boundaries of the high-cost health care system.
With a few notable exceptions, most candidates are well-intentioned and working toward the common good. The differences are on how best to get there, and reasonable people can disagree.
History has shown, at least around these parts, that these conflicts tend to work out for all parties in the long run.
Too many graduating seniors and employers are in a holding pattern, waiting for opportunities. To create real and lasting change, we must continue to reimagine a system where students and future employers collaborate alongside one another before these students enter the workforce.
Theaters must draw people back by presenting dynamic, highly entertaining performances, or they won’t last in a hyper-competitive marketplace.
Polling shows a majority of Hoosiers favor sensible regulatory protection of wetlands, yet they remain a target of developers with powerful connections.
Of course, people have different opinions about how hard constitutional change ought to be.
Supporting adult children financially has become a common practice in modern times.
This latest crumbling relationship with an Indianapolis sports star has become another example of how things in the sports world can seem to be heading in one direction, before turning on a dime and rapidly retreating the opposite way.
Anytime there is a reasonable and well-thought-out plan to enhance and promote one of our region’s treasures, we should take full advantage of it.
Email us at and tell us how your company or you use generative artificial intelligence, like chatbots. What you tell us over the next week will help us shape a survey we’re sending out.
I’m in an expensive season of life.