Letters: A different way to spend $10M on homelessness
Of the 2,000 people that are unhoused in greater Indianapolis today, what would happen if you gave each of them $5,000 in cash?
Of the 2,000 people that are unhoused in greater Indianapolis today, what would happen if you gave each of them $5,000 in cash?
A pay raise is more likely to make retirement harder, not easier.
For over 100 years, water has been an asset subject to the rule of use-it-or-lose-it. Western water laws ensure that unused water is forfeited back to the common pool.
Richardson was the pick, and if you take Jim Irsay for his word, he was their guy the entire way.
Although, the app has been available less than a year, it has garnered more than 100 million users, making it the fastest growing consumer application of all time.
As entrepreneurs, we tend to focus on the big picture.
Open-market operations are when the Fed increases or reduces the nation’s money supply by buying or selling government bonds.
The NFL Draft and securities markets both provide researchers with huge amounts of data for analyzing judgment under uncertainty and decision under risk. Research leads to understanding how NFL general managers and investors make choices when resources are at stake and the outcome is unknown. In other words, you discover how forecasts are made and […]
The reason AI can be so powerful in this process is the immediacy of the feedback. Behavior change and positive habit formation occur when one’s pattern is disrupted, and the feedback received is immediate.
Take some time before 6 p.m. on Tuesday, when the polls close, to look at who’s running, do a little research and cast votes for the people you believe would make the best leaders for your community.
Getting to meet our Leadership in Law honorees every year for their video shoots is truly one of my favorite parts of my job. It’s fun and inspiring to hear from lawyers of all facets of the law and all steps of the proverbial ladder.
Investing in IPS is investing in our children, and we know that the return on that investment will be stronger neighborhoods and a vibrant community.
Career preparation should be part of every student’s experience; undergraduates must develop “robot-proof” skills employers value, like critical thinking, analysis and problem-solving, and teamwork.
Think of it as learning CPR and other lifesaving techniques so you’re prepared in the case of a medical emergency.
The Indianapolis News writer was so respected that his passing in October 1962 was treated as a major story in the local newspapers, even one he didn’t work for.
Based on the time of year it is right now, there’s some inherent positivity afoot.
The word economics, however, traces to the Greek word oikonomia, which, in ancient Greece, meant estate management.
It took us five years to figure out what business we were in, eight more to grow fast and almost crash into oblivion, and five more to rebuild the foundation of the business for sustainable, profitable growth.
Brad Chambers envisions a Hoosier research triangle similar to North Carolina’s that spans West Lafayette, Indianapolis and Bloomington and capitalizes on the talent and assets our research universities provide for the industries of the future
I’ve been fighting for common sense gun reform in Indiana for years as a member of Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America, and it’s tiring. But it’s worth it. Hoosiers deserve better.