
Fast-food clients fueling furniture-maker’s growth

Facility Concepts’ can-do attitude has cemented the loyalty of clients like Southern Bells—one of the largest Taco Bell franchises in the country—and propelled it from startup consultancy in 2004 to full-fledged manufacturer.

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New owner moving EventzPlus to larger location

Less than two months after serial entrepreneur Jenn Kampmeier and her partners staged a grand opening for Carmel party venue and event-planning service EventzPlus, they’ve sold the firm for an undisclosed sum.

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BioCrossroads launches second seed fund

BioCrossroads Inc. has raised an $8.25 million seed fund in its second attempt to help startup life sciences companies grow to the point where they can attract venture capital or a corporate funder.

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Firm finds opportunity helping employers with hiring

Rushville-based Barada Associates Inc. specializes in helping business clients make good hiring decisions—services that have become more popular as companies find themselves inundated with eager applicants looking for work.

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Growth pushes Bluelock into black

The growing popularity of cloud computing is sending sales skyward for Bluelock, a 6-year-old firm that is turning a profit and garnering national attention.

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State’s latest startup: Startup Indiana

On April 25, local organizers will launch Startup Indiana, a regional affiliate of the Startup America Partnership. The national initiative—and its regions—brings together entrepreneurs, funders and other leaders to help promising startups succeed.

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Angel Learning’s founder thinking big again

IT professor Ali Jafari, who netted Indiana University $23 million on its $130,000 investment in his Angel Learning when it sold three years ago, recently launched CourseNetworking, which allows learners across the globe to connect and chat around shared interests and class subjects.

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What’s New: Kreme Twenty-Four

Gary Patterson and Jason White bonded over their love of fashion and their frustration with Indianapolis’ shopping options, so they opened a boutique of their own.

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Political worries contribute to robust firearms sales

The presidential election is still a long way off, but large numbers of Indianapolis-area gun owners seem to think Barack Obama is a surefire bet for a second term. Uneasiness over his re-election (and fear that he might push for strict gun control laws) has sparked a run on weapons and ammunition.

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Chicago university buys Fishers beauty college

Illinois-based Tricoci University of Beauty Culture has acquired Honors Beauty College in Fishers and plans to expand into the Indianapolis area with as many as seven campus locations over the next four years.

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